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Mini Dream Home: Plywood Chateau

Mini Dream Home: Plywood Chateau published on 3 Comments on Mini Dream Home: Plywood Chateau


In the past, we’ve written up some fun dream homes, including castles and islands. Perhaps you can’t actually live in one of James Westwater’s Plywood Chateaux, but let’s file this one under dream “retreat”. You can buy one of these babies for around $15k and keep it in your rent stabilized 300 sq foot Manhattan studio and PRETEND you live in a mansion.

THE best place for a tea party. As you can see, two can comfortably fit in there. These are functional pieces of art. Best of all, the plywood is FSC certified birch. James is a fellow crunchy tree hugger.

Natva Schulz Gallery

Thomas Crapper & Co

Thomas Crapper & Co published on


Yo, that dude’s name is Crapper!

Actually, Thomas Crapper, a London plumber, set up shop in 1861. He promoted sanitary fittings and a water waste preventing cistern syphon. The company is still around today and offers some gorgeous reproduction bathroom fittings. They are not inexpensive and with shipping….yikes! But I’m thinking it might be worth trying to make my own version of “The Throne“, pictured below.


Letting Cats Out. Keeping Them Safe

Letting Cats Out. Keeping Them Safe published on 1 Comment on Letting Cats Out. Keeping Them Safe


Our cats love to go outdoors and we don’t want to deny them that. On the other hand, we live on a busy road and need to keep them safe in the yard. We’ve been using the Cat Fence In System for years and we’ve never had a problem. It’s a very simple design: brackets at an angle the cat can’t jump on, plus netting.

The catch is: You must be diligent about maintenance. The few times our cats got out was because they found holes or tears in the netting that were overlooked. Squirrels can chew their way through and if a cat has something tall nearby to stand on (think: tool shed, tree) they can chew or jump over the netting as well. It’s a good idea to loosen the brackets during the winter (if you’re keeping your cat in) because heavy snow can bend them. You should also keep an eye on the screws because they loosen or rust. In other words: check it often!

Make sure the bottom of your fence is cat proof also. We use mesh where the fence doesn’t meet the soil. As with the netting, this should be check regularly as wild animals often dig holes under fencing.

Keep a close eye on the little rascals the first few times you let them out. Cats are crafty and they will think of things you haven’t!

Cat Fence In System
DIY Cat Fence
Purrfect Fence
Just 4 Cats
Cat Fence

Pet Proofing Your Home

Pet Proofing Your Home published on 1 Comment on Pet Proofing Your Home


I’m not one to give advice on this subject because I’ve yet to conquer the problem; however, I am an expert in TRYING to work it out.

Over the years, I’ve had cats that are pe-ers and scratchers and dogs that are chewers. The cats definitely do more damage than the dogs.


Two words for dogs who chew: Bitter Apple. Nuf said.

Dogs nails, even when clipped, can scratch floors. Area rugs are a good solution, but if you have cats who pee, not such a good idea.

If you’re a dog owner undergoing renovation and putting in new floors, try to use hardwood. Reclaimed (you weren’t thinking of NEW wood, were you?) pine is lovely, but it scratches when you look at it.


For scratching: Well, they DO like to scratch. Make sure you have one or two scratching posts around for them. Of course, they like your furniture better. You can buy big sheets of double sided adhesive tape at pet supply stores. This is better for molding as it won’t stick too well to furniture. It works, but it will need to be changed every so often as the tape collects dust and fur.

Cats don’t like the feel or sound of tin foil. This solution has not worked for me for the simple fact that I can’t figure out how to keep it in place.

The balloon trick: If your cat is ripping up your couch, try taping balloons in the area. Mylar works like tin foil. Regular balloons…..they go to scratch, pop one and well……

Peeing: Does someone have advice for ME?

If your cat is urinating outside the litterbox, the first thing you need to do is take kitty to the vet! It could be a sign of a potentially serious health problem.

Some people swear by Feliway, a pheromone that is sprayed around pee spots. It actually has had the opposite desired effect in my house.

Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract litter is specially formulated for cats who don’t like using their boxes. It really works! But…I stopped using it because I’m not sure how environmentally friendly clumping litter is. It can also be harmful to dogs who eat it as it will set up in their stomachs. (I know I’m not the only one with dogs who partake in kitty treats!) Furthermore, it starts to stink if not cleaned regularly.


Nature’s Miracle enzymes for floors, etc. Don’t dilute and use it before other cleaners. There are other enzymes out there, but this seems to work best.

Odorz Out for furniture and carpets. It soaks up the moisture. Just vacuum it up.


I’ve been through a few ozone units. They seem to work for awhile, but the ozone cards wear out.

Right now I have the Brookstone Pure Ion purifier and I’m pretty happy with it. Sharper Image carries similar models.

Worst comes to worst, if you are trying to sell or rent a place that reeks of cat pee, you’ll have to cut away at soiled sheetrock and plaster. Get behind molding and floors in the bad spots. Some corners of flooring may also need to be replaced.

More info:

Planet Urine

High Efficiency Toilets

High Efficiency Toilets published on


Toto’s Clayton.

We didn’t have time to research this stuff during our renovation. We pretty much ran out to Lowes and bought the nicest looking toilets we can find within our budget. Hopefully, we’ll make up for our own water consumption by educating others on making wise choices.

As with the energy star label on appliances, look for the Water Sense label on toilets. Because there are so many different models to choose from, we won’t go through all the specs of each toilet, but rather lead you to the manufacturer so you can come to your own conclusions. One problem we have with these is that many of them are too modern looking for our taste.

Toto seems to be the best known in the dual flush category. We’ve heard mixed consumer reviews as far as upkeep and repairs. Tip: try looking on Ebay for bargains.

Caroma USA has a decent selection of dual flush toilets.

Kohler announced this June, the introduction of 9 new toilets bearing the Watersense label.

American Standard’s FloWise Toilet meets EPA requirements.

St. Thomas’ Mariner II is a not too modern looking pressure assisted toilet.

Check out Terry Love’s site for everything you’ve ever wanted to know about toilets. Comparison charts, forum and tips.

Porta Potty

Porta Potty published on 2 Comments on Porta Potty

Items You Just Can’t Live Without


Nobody likes to talk about it, but we all need to do it. So, what if you’re renovating a bathroom and it will take days, weeks or months to complete? Yeah, a bucket works fine, but indulge yourself in the luxury of a porta potty!

We bought ours on Ebay from a company called Short’s Marine. The Thetford 135 model is less than $100 and will last about a week before you make your husband empty it. Camping World also sells them, along with the chemicals to go with it.

The chemicals that break down the waste do contain formaldehyde. Supreme Green is eco friendly, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well as those harsh chemicals.

Period Wall Covering

Period Wall Covering published on 2 Comments on Period Wall Covering

Worth the splurge!


It may not be everyone’s taste, but we drool over this stuff. We’d love to do our whole house, floor to ceiling, with elaborate wall paper. Unfortunately, we can’t afford it. It cost us $800 to do a single room with Bradbury border. At this rate, we’re better off stenciling.

Bradbury and Bradbury

JR Burrows

Mason and Wolf

Second Hand Rose: vintage wall covering

Recycled Paper Countertops

Recycled Paper Countertops published on 4 Comments on Recycled Paper Countertops

The look: A cross between soapstone and formica, if that makes any sense.

We’re aware of 3 companies that manufacture recycled paper countertops.

shetka.jpg Shetka: Shredded Counterfit $

ShetkaStone has a 100% sustainable life cycle. Products are manufactured from pre and post consumer waste paper and all by-products can be recycled back into the manufacturing process. ShetkaStone is made from all types of paper, including magazines and telephone books. The color selection is limited, but this seems to be the “greenest” of the paper based countertops.

paperstone.jpg PaperStone

*Note: At the time of this writing, Paperstone’s website was hit or miss.

Paperstone Certified, by Kliptech, uses 100% post consumer waste paper. The resin is water-based and petroleum-free. PaperStone Organic contains 100% bamboo fiber and a 90% organic resin made from cashew-nut shell oil. Paperstone has a wider color selection than Shetka.

richlite.jpg Richlite

Richlite is primarily paper treated with phenolic resin and baked to create a solid sheet. The paper comes from pulp that is derived from trees, which are harvested from certified managed forests in North America. Richlite is less expensive than PaperStone and has the sleekest look of all three, but it’s the least enviro friendly. Go figure.

Silent Paint Remover

Silent Paint Remover published on 4 Comments on Silent Paint Remover

Tools I Can’t Live Without


A friend turned me on to the Silent Paint Remover only after I finished stripping 3 floors of my brownstone. With a whole room of wainscoting to go, it was still worth it for me to give it a shot.

Unlike a heat gun, the SPR heats a 5″x12″ area at once, so it goes lickety-split. You’ll still need the heat gun or chemicals for small corners and clean up, but I’d highly recommend this tool to get through large areas with multiple coats of paint. It can save days, maybe weeks, on large projects.

If you’re working on a flat surface, you can move it along to heat the next area while you continue to scrape. For vertical surfaces, I invested in the hands free kit, which saves my arms, but isn’t much faster as it is inconvenient to make adjustments each time you move along.

Although it’s more environmentally friendly than harsh chemicals, you still need to wear a mask and gloves if you are working with lead paint. You must be mindful of your wood with this tool. Don’t leave it in place too long. It WILL burn your surface! When you see smoke, it’s time to remove it.

For more details and where to purchase, see following links.

House in Progress
Silent Paint Remover
Air Nailers
Eco Strip

Safety First!

Safety First! published on 4 Comments on Safety First!



So, it’s your first DIY project. Before you start ripping into your house, you should have a few safety items on hand.

Just assume that any home built prior to 1978 has lead paint. Lead is only dangerous when it’s ingested or inhaled. Tip #1: Don’t eat it. If you’re doing demolition, scraping walls or stripping paint off moulding, you need a good mask! Not those flimsy dust masks….a NIOSH certified, HEPA filter mask. There are different filters for various hazardous materials. Ask someone if you’re not sure which one to buy.

Keep the lead infested room well sealed off. Wear one of them “Silkwood” suits or leave your clothes and shoes behind in the room when you’re finished. A HEPA vacuum is recommended for clean up, as well as wiping down surfaces with damp rags. DO NOT LET KIDS OR PETS IN AREA!!

Protect your hands! Use heavy construction gloves for demo and chemical resistant gloves for paint stripping. DO NOT chemical strip paint with common latex gloves. They will last about 1 second.

Goggles are necessary if you’re demoing a ceiling, cutting tiles or wood or working with anything that might go flying into your eye. Chemicals and even paint can fly into your eyes if you’re clumsy enough.

Ear plugs won’t take up space or set you back too much. It’s a good thing to have handy. Some of those power tools are noisy!

Better details here:

Consumer Product Safety
Respiratory Protection Supply
North Safety Products

Reclaimed Flooring

Reclaimed Flooring published on 5 Comments on Reclaimed Flooring

5 years ago, we paid around $6000 for reclaimed wide plank pine for a 600 square foot room (installed and finished). And that was the best price. Maybe we had more money to throw around back then, but we would never dream of paying that much for a single floor now.

Reclaimed wide plank is still pricey, but many companies run internet specials. There are also smaller local mills that may charge less.

The least expensive option, if it exists in your home, is to carefully pull up the existing subfloor/planks and scrape them down, then reinstall. Tons of work, but saving all that dough…..priceless.

$6000 Floor, Marbletown, NY

Original Planks, Bed Stuy Home

Scraped and Installed Ourselves: $0

Companies Offering Internet Specials

Aged Woods

Antique and Vintage Woods


Douglas Fir Floors

Old Wood Workshop

The Woods

Vintage Timber

Whiskey Wood

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