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Pet Proofing Your Home

Pet Proofing Your Home published on 1 Comment on Pet Proofing Your Home


I’m not one to give advice on this subject because I’ve yet to conquer the problem; however, I am an expert in TRYING to work it out.

Over the years, I’ve had cats that are pe-ers and scratchers and dogs that are chewers. The cats definitely do more damage than the dogs.


Two words for dogs who chew: Bitter Apple. Nuf said.

Dogs nails, even when clipped, can scratch floors. Area rugs are a good solution, but if you have cats who pee, not such a good idea.

If you’re a dog owner undergoing renovation and putting in new floors, try to use hardwood. Reclaimed (you weren’t thinking of NEW wood, were you?) pine is lovely, but it scratches when you look at it.


For scratching: Well, they DO like to scratch. Make sure you have one or two scratching posts around for them. Of course, they like your furniture better. You can buy big sheets of double sided adhesive tape at pet supply stores. This is better for molding as it won’t stick too well to furniture. It works, but it will need to be changed every so often as the tape collects dust and fur.

Cats don’t like the feel or sound of tin foil. This solution has not worked for me for the simple fact that I can’t figure out how to keep it in place.

The balloon trick: If your cat is ripping up your couch, try taping balloons in the area. Mylar works like tin foil. Regular balloons…..they go to scratch, pop one and well……

Peeing: Does someone have advice for ME?

If your cat is urinating outside the litterbox, the first thing you need to do is take kitty to the vet! It could be a sign of a potentially serious health problem.

Some people swear by Feliway, a pheromone that is sprayed around pee spots. It actually has had the opposite desired effect in my house.

Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract litter is specially formulated for cats who don’t like using their boxes. It really works! But…I stopped using it because I’m not sure how environmentally friendly clumping litter is. It can also be harmful to dogs who eat it as it will set up in their stomachs. (I know I’m not the only one with dogs who partake in kitty treats!) Furthermore, it starts to stink if not cleaned regularly.


Nature’s Miracle enzymes for floors, etc. Don’t dilute and use it before other cleaners. There are other enzymes out there, but this seems to work best.

Odorz Out for furniture and carpets. It soaks up the moisture. Just vacuum it up.


I’ve been through a few ozone units. They seem to work for awhile, but the ozone cards wear out.

Right now I have the Brookstone Pure Ion purifier and I’m pretty happy with it. Sharper Image carries similar models.

Worst comes to worst, if you are trying to sell or rent a place that reeks of cat pee, you’ll have to cut away at soiled sheetrock and plaster. Get behind molding and floors in the bad spots. Some corners of flooring may also need to be replaced.

More info:

Planet Urine

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