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Hey Eco-Geeks!Solar Wireless Chargers

Hey Eco-Geeks!Solar Wireless Chargers published on

Guest Post

So there’s this most recent direction running along side our attraction with the most desirable wire-less accessories [1], and it’s how to best maintain their battery packs 100 %. With lots of the modern pads and tablet pcs, mobile handsets, and lap tops the only typical headache is the most handy alternative to have them charged up. I began wondering what normally I would undoubtedly undoubtedly do with some of these various units and now I ask myself what I’d do without them. I even worry every night whether I have all of them on their proper wires and charging up for the day ahead.Continue reading Hey Eco-Geeks!Solar Wireless Chargers

Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone

Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone published on 2 Comments on Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone


Are you one of those folks who’s given up your land line? Do you miss holding a real phone to your ear instead of a hot, radiation transmitting cell? Well, despair no more! iRetrofone is here!

The hand-sculpted base by artist Scott Freeland is a fully-functional, stationary iPhone dock with a USB cable and working handset.  It’s made of heavy-duty, half-inch thick urethane and designed to be compatible with all iPhones.

The clear and the pink are my favorites and they are also the least expensive at $195. Prices climb to $350 for the steampunk version.

If they only played music too, they would be perrrrrfect.

10 DIY Tools To Be Thankful For

10 DIY Tools To Be Thankful For published on


1. That razor blade holder thing for paint removal.
2. Cordless drill. Oh honey, I’ll never take you for granted.
3. Tape measure with marked fractions. Because I don’t know how to read it otherwise. Yup, there, I’ve said it.
4. Duct tape. You know why. When you can’t fix it….
5. Swiss Army Knife. Well, I don’t really use it around the house, but I carry it with me and it does come in handy at work.
6. Center punch. That little thing comes in handy!
7. Staple gun. Almost as versatile as duct tape.
8. Foam paint brushes. So environmentally unfriendly, yet so unbelievably convenient.
9. Metal snips. Because you can use them to trim bushes too.
10. Hammer. Of course, I wouldn’t forget you, my dear old friend.

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