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Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone

Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone published on 2 Comments on Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone


Are you one of those folks who’s given up your land line? Do you miss holding a real phone to your ear instead of a hot, radiation transmitting cell? Well, despair no more! iRetrofone is here!

The hand-sculpted base by artist Scott Freeland is a fully-functional, stationary iPhone dock with a USB cable and working handset.  It’s made of heavy-duty, half-inch thick urethane and designed to be compatible with all iPhones.

The clear and the pink are my favorites and they are also the least expensive at $195. Prices climb to $350 for the steampunk version.

If they only played music too, they would be perrrrrfect.

Ride Vintage NYC Trains & Buses

Ride Vintage NYC Trains & Buses published on

During the holiday season, the MTA runs vintage subway and buses along certain routes at scheduled times. The cost is the same as any other ride. It just might not get you all the way to your destination. Click on the link to see schedule.The wicker seat trains stopped running in 1969. I am so old that I actually remember riding these a couple of time. I would have been 4 years old. They didn’t come often, but it was a treat when I got one. The lack of air conditioning was always fun. People sweating into the grooves of the seats. Ah, but they had overhead fans! And it was 35 cents for a token. Remember those little coin thingies they had before Metro Cards? Surely, you’re not THAT much younger than me!

If you’ve never been, the NY Transit Museum is one of the coolest places in Brooklyn. You can view these vintage trains and buses any time of the year.

Brooklyn Seltzer Delivery! How Old School Is That?

Brooklyn Seltzer Delivery! How Old School Is That? published on 5 Comments on Brooklyn Seltzer Delivery! How Old School Is That?


After years of going through thousands of plastic seltzer bottles, my husband put the foot down. He wanted to switch to tap water. Water? I don’t like water. I need my seltzer!

So, I did what my mom did back when I was growing up. I called the Seltzer Man. Yeah, he still exists.

Now, it’s a bit pricier than the Vintage variety, but the bottles keep the fizz. Plus, knowing that I’m not single-handedly destroying Planet Earth with my carbonated drink addiction is priceless. The cost for Bed Stuy delivery is $25 per case of 10. It’s only $1 per bottle to schlepp to the factory in Canarsie for pick up, but Narsie? No, thanks.

Gomberg Seltzer Works is the last remaining seltzer factory in NYC and there are only about 6 or 7 guys delivering to the entire city. Ronny Beberman is the Brooklyn Seltzer Man. He’s 63 years old and still drives his wooden slatted truck full of valuable vintage glass bottles.

The alternative to store bought or delivered seltzer would be to make my own. Now lookit, I have trouble boiling water or making toast. I’m not so sure I’d be up for carbonating several bottles of water. It’s just too much work.

Plus, let’s face it. Old school seltzer delivery is cool as shit.

Tomorrow’s post: How I’m going back to the rotary phone.

PS: “Seltzer Works” is a documentary film about Gomberg Seltzer. It’s being screened at Rooftop Films on July 17th.

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