Once in a while I veer away from this blog’s topic to post on an unrelated subject. I may not have ever had a blog and you may not have been sitting there reading this if it was not for Steve Jobs.
As a college freshman in 1984, I took a computer course. Hated it!! Do you kids know how scary computers were before Jobs developed a user friendly interface? Some C Drive/DOS crap. WTF?
I’ve been a Mac person ever since I saw that smiley disk face on a neighbor’s computer. Didn’t realize computers could be fun. I’ve belonged to the Cult of Apple for over 20 years now. I was disappointed that the iPhone 5 was not announced earlier this week and even more disappointed that it was not Jobs making the announcement.
Take a moment to stop and think how different your life would be without Steve Jobs. No, he did not invent the first computer, the first smart phone, tablet or digital music download. But he perfected each and every one of them so we can all use them. Chances are you have an iPod, iPhone, iPad or Mac that gets a massive amount of use. Or are you downloading iTunes on your PC? Are you using equipment that is based on Apple technology? Pretty sure you are whether you realize it or not.
Without the visionaries of the world, we would still be writing on the walls of the caves we live in. So, thank you Steve Jobs and those who have come before you. Hopefully .0001% of your genius has rubbed off on the rest of us.
To infinity and beyond, Mr. Jobs.