We got blasted with snow in Beacon last week. As if digging out for 4 hours, two days in a row isn’t bad enough, nearly the entire town lost power. The City of Beacon was under a State of Emergency, which has since been lifted.
Trees are down. Most of Main Street lost power. The post office was closed. Beacon Natural was giving away free melting ice cream. It might’ve been a fun adventure if I wasn’t stuck alone in my dark, cold house.
I did what any gal with a city pad would do….I got the hell outta there!
The roads had cleared enough by Saturday for the husband to come up from Brooklyn. Central Hudson was saying it could be mid-week before we got power. The house would only get colder. After one restless night of sleep, no shower for two days, and non stop shoveling with wet socks that I couldn’t dry, I was getting cranky. We assessed the situation and decided to take the pets and head down to Bed Stuy until power returns. Unfortunately, after several tries, the van wouldn’t start, so we squeezed the 6 cats and 2 dogs into my Rav 4.
It’s the third day since Beacon has lost power and most folks have lights and heat now. Not our house. Could be the light show I witnessed outside my window on Thursday night. The one that rivaled any at the planetarium. Or it could be that tree that came down in the road, perhaps taking some electrical wires with it.
I’m toasty warm and enjoying a sunny Brooklyn day. Pissed that we’re missed a few days of working on the house, but kinda happy we’re being forced to take a day off.
I just feel bad for my neighbors who decided to stick it. I would have endured, but the pets looked cold. Yeah, right.