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10 DIY Tools To Be Thankful For

10 DIY Tools To Be Thankful For published on


1. That razor blade holder thing for paint removal.
2. Cordless drill. Oh honey, I’ll never take you for granted.
3. Tape measure with marked fractions. Because I don’t know how to read it otherwise. Yup, there, I’ve said it.
4. Duct tape. You know why. When you can’t fix it….
5. Swiss Army Knife. Well, I don’t really use it around the house, but I carry it with me and it does come in handy at work.
6. Center punch. That little thing comes in handy!
7. Staple gun. Almost as versatile as duct tape.
8. Foam paint brushes. So environmentally unfriendly, yet so unbelievably convenient.
9. Metal snips. Because you can use them to trim bushes too.
10. Hammer. Of course, I wouldn’t forget you, my dear old friend.

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