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10 Reasons My Reno is Stalled

10 Reasons My Reno is Stalled published on 4 Comments on 10 Reasons My Reno is Stalled


1. 24/7 for 3 months now. I’m burnt out, baby!

2. Can’t rip up the kitchen floor with the cats in there.

3. Dimas the Contractor is slow as shit.

4. Mother Nature keeps raining on my porch parade.

5. My husband dropped the radiator on our new wood floor and now we can’t pick it up.

6. Gotta get some crap out of the way before restoring office woodwork. That means packing. That means sorting, organizing, filing….

7. Speaking of my office, did I mention that I found receipts from 1993? Also found my upcoming Specials concert tickets in the recycling bin.

8. Pesky “real job” sometimes gets in the way.

9. Tuesday. Day of rest.

10. Facebook is more fun than plastering.


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