1. Volunteer for surveillance and clean up with National Wildlife Foundation.
2. Get a haircut! They take pet hair too.
3. Adopt a bird.
4. Text 20222 to donate $20 to NWF.
5. Donate to Sierra while giving Rush Limbaugh a what for.
BP is getting much of the blame and rightfully so! Let’s not forget that we’re all guilty of oil consumption. Just like poachers and fur trappers wouldn’t be killing innocent animals if there wasn’t a market for it, oil drilling wouldn’t be necessary if nobody was buying.
The obvious thing to do is cut down on driving. Walk, bike, take the train. But FYI, there are sooo many things made from oil….it’s pretty scary.
Are you ready for this? It’s gonna blow your mind….
1. Plastics. This means your water bottles, TV, phone, the computer you’re looking at right now, condoms….CONDOMS!
2. Pills. That’s right, honey. That Advil you take for cramps? Oil.
3. Faux Fur and Leather. I’m guilty. Don’t want to kill the animals, but I’m helping to kill the environment.
4. Ink
5. Dog Toys
6. Paint
7. Floor Wax
8. Soap, some of which has animal fat too. Dr. Bronners is safe, y’all!
9. Cosmetics. Yuck! Keep painting your faces, you harlots.
10. Breast Implants
So, what to do? It’s impossible to live without oil by-products. There are alternatives and solutions, so consumption can be cut down significantly. Shut lights and a/c when not in use, refill your water bottle, wear natural fabrics or vintage clothing, shop for eco-friendly cleaning products, um…use the pull out method.
Every little bit helps. And can you imagine if each of us did one little incy wincy thing to cut down? It would make a difference!