Make hole in floor go away. Check.
I’m trying to get some real work done today (like the type of work I make money from) and I have writer’s block, so to feed 2 birds with one scone, I’m just printing my renovation to do list for all the world to see. My mom booked her summer visit for July and our goal is to have our Bed Stuy apartment finished before then. And have Beacon somewhat under control by Memorial Day weekend.
Bed Stuy
1. Desmond the Floor Guy coming to save the day.
2. Glue missing wainscoting in place (Hubby)
3. Sand all wainscotting (me)
4. Finish plaster repair (me)
5. Replace rotten window trim, molding (Hubby)
6. Hook up radiators (Hubby)
7. Radiator covers and salvaged marble window sill (Both)
8. Paint entire room (me)
9. Paint shutters (me)
10. Install said shutters (Hubby)
11. Strip and finish front doors. (me)
12. Hang doors (Hubby)
13. Resin counter top for kitchenette sink (me or Emilia)
14. Paint sink cabinet (me)
15. Hang light fixture (Hubby)
16. Get some furniture in there! (Both)
That’s just the apartment. Massive work needs to be done on the front and back exterior. Stoop needs total repair and the pitch of the ground needs to be changed in the back to keep water away from house. Fun stuff!
1. Finish nightmare porch project (Both)
2. Rip up pet den floor and install sanded plywood (Both)
3. Decorative paint on plywood floor (me)
4. Seal floor with gymnasium quality poly (me)
That’s just to make it safe and unsmelly for weekend guests. The bigger picture means skim coating the dining room, painting the entire exterior, rebuilding the garage, updating and maybe extending the kitchen, redo 2 bathrooms and dealing with a damp basement.
Oh, and I better remind Hubby before winter to finish that zoned heating project he started.