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Brooklyn Flea Starts Saturday!

Brooklyn Flea Starts Saturday! published on


The Brooklyn Flea Dumbo pop up lives on, but the outdoor Ft. Greene market is bouncing back for it’s second season starting this Saturday. Yes, it was Sundays last year. No, supposedly, it has nothing to do with THE MAN.

I’ll fill you in on new vendors later this week, but the girl’s gotta sell her own stuff first.

Dirty Barbie” is a filthy crack ho. The first in my series of Barbie alterations. I have many Barbies and zero time. It may be my last in the series. She’s even got a hook on her back so you can hang her like a mezuzah. 25 Bucks and she’s yours for keeps.


You’ve seen this coffee table as a work in progress before. If you’re a regular blog reader, that is. Well, four months later, I finally finished! It was a light weight piece of crap, but I spent a lot of time making it fabulous. $265


I started the little orange table back in January also. Then it sat in my living room with the coffee table. Gold detail and poly protection and call it a day! 60 bucks.


I’m kind of torn about selling this table. It’s just too perfect for a small Brooklyn apartment and we’ll be needing something like this IF we ever finish our renovation. Measures 35″ wide x 19.5″ depth but opens up to 61″ with the leaves. Yeah, I know, right? I’ll stick $435 on it and if it doesn’t sell, I’ll be happy to keep it. It is missing the 2 leaves though. I see that you can buy blanks for as low as $30 or get custom ones made for $500. Which do you think I’ll do?


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