It’s been some some since I spoke about the new project. That’s because it’s taken forever to get a closing date and there were times I thought it wasn’t going to happen. Well, I’m finally getting the keys on Monday afternoon!
Most ladies get excited when they pack their bikinis for their beach houses, but I was psyched to pull out my trusty work boots and painting clothes.
Wanna see my packing list for the first week of demo? Sure you do!
1. Sledgehammer
2. Sawzall
3. Crowbars
4. Tool Bucket (Hammers, Chisels, Bear Claw)
5. Screw Guns
6. Extension Cords
7. Work Light
8. Ladders
9. Shovels
10. Shop Vac
11. Safety Mask
12. Gloves
13. Goggles
14. Contractor Bags
15. Floor Protection
Rock on!! That’s great news…I’m a bit late but congratulations! I can’t wait to see the progress. My folks are from the Rockaways, I’ll show them your project.
Thanks, Sara!
Don’t forget your camera!
Hmm, I’ll need a camera person for my DIY videos, Deb….