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Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone

Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone published on 2 Comments on Cool As Sh*t iRetrofone


Are you one of those folks who’s given up your land line? Do you miss holding a real phone to your ear instead of a hot, radiation transmitting cell? Well, despair no more! iRetrofone is here!

The hand-sculpted base by artist Scott Freeland is a fully-functional, stationary iPhone dock with a USB cable and working handset.  It’s made of heavy-duty, half-inch thick urethane and designed to be compatible with all iPhones.

The clear and the pink are my favorites and they are also the least expensive at $195. Prices climb to $350 for the steampunk version.

If they only played music too, they would be perrrrrfect.


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