We’ve taken over 2 apartments in our brownstone but have not yet gotten around to privatizing the hallway. It’s a real hassle running up and down the stairs hoping the neighbors won’t catch us in our skivvies. Neither apartment is fully finished or furnished and we are far from getting our act together.
So, I’m nagging the husband for a dumbwaiter.
Who knew that commercial dumbwaiters were so costly? Over 3000 bucks! Wow, that’s not gonna happen in my house.
But there’s hope for the “We are lazy yet take on impossible tasks, and oh yeah, we are broke.” people yet! The video above shows us how we can build our own dumbwaiter for $300 using a garage door opener. Alls I need to find now is the space.
Also see:
DIY Network: Install a Dumbwaiter
E-How: Build a Dumbwaiter