I caught this on Web Urbanist. Rupert Blanchard is my new hero. He’s been creating furniture out of reclaimed materials for some time now, but these upcycled crate cabinets are really to die for!
Now, before you get overly excited, the guy is in London. Lucky you if you’re a British reader. For those of us on this side of the pond, well, we’ll just have to copy and go DIY (sorry, Rupert).
most excellent! thanks for turning me on to this!
This is pretty cool. But I don’t know about the main kitchen. Maybe for a mini wet bar area.
Oh Cherry, are you too fancy schmancy to do this in a main kitchen? Yeah, maybe in the servant’s quarters. LOL!
Is it just me, or do the innards look like Ikea? If so then you could use their doors as a template for these…
I’m not all that familiar with Ikea cabinets, but the same would go for any cabinet door. It’s a refacing job.