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One Week. One Room. Day Two.

One Week. One Room. Day Two. published on


Yay, let’s go to the dump!

Yesterday was the first day of my week off to renovate a room (and clean the house). I ended up tweeting/twittering/twitting my every move, which was a good idea, because it kept me honest. No long lunch breaks. No chatting on the phone. I worked my ass off. Ok, maybe I spent too much time buying caulk…running into a couple of people and chatting up a storm. Hey, errands are my social life these days! It beats talking to myself and dancing alone to my ipod.

Ok, so where did I get to? Doesn’t look like much, but it’s all in the prep work. I had to sand the pre-sanded floor, mask moulding, chase cracks, vaccuum, plaster said cracks, caulk seams and screws and load the van to go to the dump.

The wall will need a second coat of plaster today, so no painting. The floors will need to be hit with caulk again as it shrinks when it dries. That can be primed in the afternoon. I forgot I also have to paint the radiator that’s sitting on a dolly in the dining room.

And here I was thinking this was a weekend project.


Thought I’d get away without priming the walls. Ha!


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