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When Cats Go Bad

When Cats Go Bad published on 10 Comments on When Cats Go Bad


If only the internet had smellorama

We have six cats, three of whom have chronic urinary infections. They are on special diets for the rest of their lives and they’re happy enough. The problem is, they just. won’t. use. the. litterbox. Hence, we have the Cat Pee House.

As we’ve done with renovations past, (we’ve always had a multiple cat household) we will embark on getting rid of the pee smell this week. That means nothing less than ripping up the floor.

Don’t be sad for us. If the floor was in salvageable condition, we wouldn’t have let it get this far. She was a great old floor, she was. Old long strips, probably installed around the 40’s or earlier. But there wasn’t any life left in her. She was sanded so many times that the tongue and grooves were starting to show. She didn’t have another sanding left in her.

And so we took up the floor. Then discovered the subfloor was destroyed. Ok, now you can start feeling bad for us. That looked to be in decent shape in some areas, but we’re not sure all the damage was caused by our cats. We left the original lower subfloor in, even though it got hit with the pee too.

So, here’s the plan….

This is a temporary solution until we rebuild the garage, adding a causeway to the house. That will be the new cat friendly area. At the rate things are going, all of our cats will be dead by then and we just may be also.

Anyway, plywood. That’s it. We put down tar paper underneath to protect the already peed on subfloor. This week I’ll be caulking, painting and sealing it. And of course, why not repair plaster and paint the entire room while I’m at it?

As with past deadlines, there’s a reason we’re rushing to do this now. Ah, the old house guests! The only time we ever finish projects. So this week, this blog will look like a real “renovation blog” as I chart my progress. Because I won’t have time to come up with any other kind of post.

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This isn’t all cat pee. We soaked it in Nature’s Miracle before deciding to tear it out anyway.


Revealing the sub sub floor


The dogs were mostly responsible for the damaged door.


It took us an entire weekend (hubby alone on Saturday) to rip up 2 layers of flooring and install plywood. 


Everything is in the dining room now. Including the dust.


I’m sure you’ve already been through this but the UTIs might not be why they are peeing on everything. I’ve been reading up because one of my two cats just started making my life hell by leaving little land mines all over the friggin house. So I’ve shrunk his habitat down over and over – but he still pees on things out of the blue. It’s horrible. Anyway, I’ve read so much stuff lately about it on all the crazy cat lady forums, and am now trying this pheromone stuff that is supposed to make him feel calm so he wont tell me to f off in the form of peepee. You probably have already read up on all this because you’ve been going through it for awhile now. Ugh. Good luck. Boy do I feel for you.
ps:you got a ton done! congrats.

Thanks, Hallie. I tried Feliway when it first came out. It made my cats peed on it! At the time, it was a spray bottle you plug into the wall. So, that didn’t work out too well for me.

Also tried calming herbs like Bach Flower Remedy, etc. Nada.

They are able to go outside a lot now, which helps, but they still manage to run in the house to pee in the dog dish or something. And someone is peeing in their water dish! Why would you pee where you drink???

I hope you have better luck. Let me know.

OMG! I am laughing so hard that they peed on the Feliway. Not that that isn’t totally horrible.
Because it’s super horrible.
I don’t know how you deal with this. I love my cat, and he’s clearly upset about something but seriously – if I’m not able to cure it eventually I don’t know if I can keep living with him. It’s hideous!

You think that’s funny? My cat Stanley once peed on my head! He had a penisectomy because he kept getting blocked. He doesn’t have a problem peeing now!

You either have to deal with it (as in pee proof your house and never invite guests over) or know that your cat may end up dead. Because really, who is going to want a cat that pees all over the place? If you can find a nice farm, maybe….

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