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Affordable Real Estate: Queens Wins!

Affordable Real Estate: Queens Wins! published on 3 Comments on Affordable Real Estate: Queens Wins!

My completely unscientific research has led me to conclude that Queens is the most affordable borough. Here are some coops under $200k. I don’t know what some of these neighborhoods are like or if they are the slightest bit desirable, but they are cheap.

$159k: 1BR, Jackson Heights


$172k: 2BR, Queens Village


$189k: 1BR, Bayside


I was wondering when you were gonna get to Queens. In 2000 I lived in a basement apartment in Sunnyside and none of my friends from Brooklyn would visit but I did not care-I had a backyard, cheap rent and great food…and no hipsters! Two years ago, I bought a 1000sq ft. co-op in Woodside for under $200,000. I love the neighborhood and torn between telling people about how awesome Queens is and not wanting spillover from Long Island City and Williamsburg!!!

But come by and visit we will take you to all the best spots (anyone up for underground latin heavy metal bars?).

Sorry, Queens people! I’m usually upstate during the week and too rushed on weekends to get around much. So I cheat. I write about Brooklyn because it’s all I know. But what’s that, Denise? You want to blog about Queens for me? For free? Thanks!

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