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Bad Weather Karma & Lots of Paintings

Bad Weather Karma & Lots of Paintings published on


Looks like crappy weather Sunday for the third week in a row. These flea market organizers have some bad weather karma they need to deal with. It hasn’t rained on us yet (Yeah, I just jinxed it), but the sun hasn’t been around either. Cleanse your auras or something, guys.


So this week I hit the mother load of tacky thrift store paintings. Check it out…the Native American chick against the dark background: velvet. It just doesn’t get any better than that! Unless it’s Elvis. Look at the clown. Classic. I run a high end racket for people with exquisite taste.


I picked up the horse from the same guy. It’s the one I had as a kid. He came back to me! This one is pretty scary, with dark eyes and fuzzy “hair”. I might not be able to part with him.

GuyIBuyStuffFrom tells me he’s cleaning out a house next week that has tons of 50’s toys in the attic. What does this have to do with “homes”? Who cares? Toys are more fun! How does “Reclaimed Toys” sound?

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