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Craig and Yvonne, Why Must You Taunt Me So?

Craig and Yvonne, Why Must You Taunt Me So? published on 8 Comments on Craig and Yvonne, Why Must You Taunt Me So?


I first discovered Our Victorian House shortly after we went into contract on Our Own Victorian House in Beacon. I visited the site frequently for inspiration. When I showed it to my husband, filling him in on my intentions, he felt the need to send an email to Craig and Yvonne…something to the effect of “How dare you give my wife these crazy ideas? Thanks alot, buddy!”

Three years later and sidetracked by a totally different restoration, I just checked back on their site. They’re, like, finished.

I hate them.

Hate them because they had the focus to stick to one house and finish it.

Hate them because their house is so friggen beautiful.

Hate them because they were able to afford massive amounts of Bradbury wallpaper when they said they’re not rich.

Hate them because they used real artisans for detailing I attempt to do myself.

Hate them because they even finished the exterior! Oh, how I hate them for that!

Hate them because of that green eyed monster we call “Envy”.

So, you think you’re so great, Craig and Yvonne? Well, why don’t you come to Beacon and show us what you can do with this house? I dare you!

Yeah, I thought you would back down. Losers.


Oh. No marital relations? I know what that’s like and I didn’t even get to finish my house. No, they probably have great sex every night and they don’t spend their vacations working on the house. They are yucking it up right now, sipping coffee while admiring their lovely home…just laughing at poor slobs like us.

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