I’ve always wondered what it’s like to step foot in New York for the first time. Must be pretty cool. The energy. The lights. The people whizzing by. Being born here, I’ve always taken it for granted.
Returning home after 7 years upstate is as close as I’m gonna get to losing my New York virginity. Ok, so I lived less than two hours away and came here all the time, but I didn’t get to take it all in when I was just visiting.
I’m back two months now and I feel a bit like Austin Powers having missed nearly a decade. But it’s all good. I’ve got some catching up to do, so….oops….not being too productive lately. Just seeing old friends and eating at restaurants I’ve missed and feeling like myself again.
I don’t regret moving away. I needed it at the time and it was lovely and pleasant and I met some great people in Beacon. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with New York. I leave for a bit. I come back.
I always come back.
But this time around, I think I’ll stay for awhile.