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Make Your Vote Count

Make Your Vote Count published on


Politics has become a joke as of late. You may be asking yourself if your vote really makes a difference at all. Perhaps it doesn’t. But what if it does? Is it gonna kill you to get your ass to the polling place around the corner and pull the lever against the person you don’t want? I mean….for the person you want?

Don’t like Cuomo and refuse to vote Republican? There’s a Green Party candidate running too. His name is Howie Hawkins.

Don’t know who the eff anyone else is? You can find out who is on the ballot from a number of websites.

“But I don’t know where my polling place is.” Your fucking polling place is here! Aaannnddd…they also list your candidates so you don’t have to figure that out last minute.

Everyone is saying that the GOP is gonna run away with this thing because Dems and Liberals are a bunch of apathetic lazy ass mofos (I was the one who said that). Prove me wrong.

Fight For Your Right To Vote!

Fight For Your Right To Vote! published on

In 2000, I went to bed on election night thinking that Al Gore had won the presidency. The next morning I woke up to a nightmare that lasted eight years.

It’s no secret that this blog officially endorses President Obama. We are environmentalists, social activists and thankful for the government help we receive in times of emergency.

It’s disgraceful that so many American citizens take their rights for granted. Whichever candidate you back, it’s important that you let your voice be heard.

Get out there and vote today! Polling place has been moved and you don’t know where? Yeah, so? Go to “Where’s My Fuckin Polling Place” to figure it out. No excuses.

Buh-Bye KitchenAid (and Whirlpool)

Buh-Bye KitchenAid (and Whirlpool) published on

File this one under “Information you should know”. KitchenAid tweeted a nasty joke regarding President Obama’s deceased grandmother. “Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! ‘She died 3 days b4 he became president.” The tweeter probably mixed up their personal account with KitchenAid’s and has supposedly been let go. An apology was issued.

KitchenAid’s parent company is Whirlpool whose Political Action Committee gives mostly to Republicans.

Not trying to sway you one way or another. It’s just some background you might want to know before you purchase appliances. Personally, I’m the Queen of Boycott and I haven’t exactly hidden the fact that I’m a strong Obama supporter. If you don’t like it, you can boycott this blog. I don’t give a fek.

You can check out many companies and their ethical, safety and environmental ratings at Good Guide.

Free At Last!

Free At Last! published on 2 Comments on Free At Last!


Eight years and two months ago I loved my country. Sure, I knew we were flawed just like any country (except maybe Canada, but they’re boring), but things were running smoothly.

And then it happened. We all know the story of the last eight years. I won’t dig up bad memories because it’s time to move forward. It’s finally over! Let’s hope these schmucks don’t try to pull anything funny and may the door slam them so hard in the ass it hurts for years.

I’ve never called myself a patriot. I ran off to Europe after high school and again a few years later. It was the Reagan years after all. But I’ve gotta say, I’m feeling pretty proud of my country today. Today I am a patriot. And I hope this excitement lasts for the next eight plus years because it feels good.

I no longer have to make excuses when I travel abroad. Screw you, Europeans! Stop complaining about us and take a look in your own damn backyards! And Morrissey, I love you, man, but you owe us an apology.

I will no longer get angry when I see someone with a Jesus fish on their car. Everyone has a right to their spiritual beliefs, but the religious right is not running the show! And you know what? Screw you, religious right! I don’t know a thing about religion, but I know your intolerance has nothing to do with Christ.

I won’t freak out when I go to an all white neighborhood. I know that not every homogeneous area is KKK. I’ve met quite a few people during the election whom I consider to have racist qualities and yet they still voted for Obama. Ok, so they have issues (as do I, on the other end of the spectrum), but thank God they were open enough to pull the lever for a brotha.

I’m experiencing something I haven’t felt in eight years. It’s like…um…I dunno…a little flicker of light inside me. I think maybe the word for it might be “Hope”? I have hope for the environment. I have hope for gay rights. I have hope for world peace. I’m walking on sunshine and sliding down rainbows! I pray that Obama is everything we’ve dreamed he is.

Congratulations to us all! Mission accomplished. We’ve arrived.

Obauguration Events

Obauguration Events published on 3 Comments on Obauguration Events


Well, after having received my official rejection letters from my state representatives, I know I’ll be spending inauguration night in front of a TV. The good news is that there will be viewing parties in public venues so I don’t have to sit there alone in my jammies with a bottle of champagne.

There’s still a chance to get to Washington:

Get on the Bus!

Harlem 4 still has space available at $100 per roundtrip ticket.

Inauguration Today has 2 buses left at $85 per seat.

Watch in New York

Symphony Space is opening their doors free to the public starting at 10am. They’ll have a big screen for viewing. Pack a lunch or buy snacks there.

The Village Pourhouse is showing the events on their big screens followed by a complimentary toast. They will be serving “Obama Mamma”, “Push Bush” , and “Barack-a-Bombs” shots all day long. No cover.

Discounted Dinners and Formal Balls

Park Slope’s V-Spot is discounting all beer, wine and cocktails by 50% and including free snacks for every table. Regular menu will still be available.

Oninaugurationday is hosting an Inaugural Ball at Hudson Terrace on W. 46th. $20 for general admission includes champagne reception with passed hors d’oeuvres. VIP tickets includes table and open bar. Formal attire recommended. Sounds too stuffy for me.

Bed Stuy Blog has a list of events in Ft. Greene, including Red Bamboo’s $5 drinks, complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a DJ spinning the tunes.

Pitbull in the Whitehouse?

Pitbull in the Whitehouse? published on 4 Comments on Pitbull in the Whitehouse?


My Greta, Pit mix

Obama told Barbara Walters that he doesn’t want a yappy girlie dog. The family is looking for a big rambunctious rescue. What better than a Pit or Pit Mix?

I’m not sure about the allergy thing. There are theories (or facts?) that it’s the pet dander and not the fur that people are allergic to. If that’s the case, then does that mean allergies are caused by specific animals and not breeds? Pitbulls are not listed as a hypoallergenic dog breed, but then I’m suspicious that term was something fabricated by breeders.

People have misconceptions about Pitbulls. Please, you’re insulting my children! These dogs are pussycats! No, they’re even scared of pussycats! It’s the people who train and mistreat them who are vicious, not the breed. Sure, there are some bad apples as with all breeds, but ANY dog the Obamas choose would have to be thoroughly tested so they wouldn’t be nipping at reporters like that Barney.

Pits are 100% fun, full of energy and total love monsters. Too many of them end up on the streets or being destroyed in shelters every day. The uninformed public needs to overcome their fear and give these dogs a chance. And who better to promote this breed than the first family?

Besides, they can name her “Sarah”.

Pit Bull Rescue Central

Out of the Pits

Rescue Sites

Fake America Is Now Patriotic Too!

Fake America Is Now Patriotic Too! published on 1 Comment on Fake America Is Now Patriotic Too!


Remember when I said I was going to fly the flag if Obama won? I went so far as to purchase a $2 flag at a garage sale in Beacon. I had plans of getting an Obama flag flying movement going and I meant it. I really did. But alas, I’m so very lame.

So check out this Flag That Ate Park Slope on Brownstoner. That’s some flag! And mine? It’s sitting in the garage. But I’m gonna do it! We should all do it. Fly your flags! Show “real” America that “fake” America loves their country too. At least now we do.

Yes We Did!

Yes We Did! published on


Photos from Donatella

Oy, I’m kvelling! There were so many thoughts going through my head last night for a post but now I’m too hungover and headachey from crying to write anything coherent. In other words….. I’m speechless.

I just want to thank George W and Dick Cheney for messing up the country beyond recognition so Americans could get to this point. Without them, do you really the people would’ve been ready to change the course of history?

And for the first time since Bill Clinton left office, (apart from a month following 9/11) I’m proud to be American. I no longer have to make excuses for my country when I travel.




As of tomorrow this blog will resume normal programming. Homes. Renovations. All that stuff. But for now….I think I have to go back to sleep.

Here’s what the world is saying:

Times UK: John McCain Lost With Honour.

Irish Times: Internet Winner of 2008 Vote

Der Spiegel: What Europe Wants from Obama

Daily Nation: Celebrations in Obama’s Ancestral Home

Al Jazeera: US Votes. Afghan Hopes.

Jerusalem Post: Orthodox Turnout Mixed in NY

We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore

We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore published on 7 Comments on We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore


Listen up. The polls are going to be crowded this time around. People feel that the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen and the last 8 years have been hell. And we are pissed off!

Please make sure that NOTHING stops you from casting your vote this year.Early voting lines were about a 10 hour wait in certain parts of the country. Don’t let this discourage you on election day. Just be prepared.

1. You may need to take a few hours off work. Perhaps even a full day, if it’s that bad.

2. Bring water and snacks.

3. Dress for the weather.

4. Wear comfortable shoes.

5. Bring a book, work or something to do.

6. Have babysitting or petsitting back up.

7. Bring a lawn chair.

8. Start out early.

9. Is there a dress code for voting? Well, certain states consider it campaigning if you wear your candidate’s gear. New York State is one of them. Personally, I wouldn’t take any chances, but if you want to wear your Obama gear, just make sure you can cover it up or take it off. That’s it. Once you do that, they MUST let you vote!

Get the message? This election is far too important to throw your vote away.

If you see something wrong, report it immediately.Here are a few links:

Video the Vote
Black Box Voting
My Barack

Etsy Obama Home Decor & Accessories

Etsy Obama Home Decor & Accessories published on 1 Comment on Etsy Obama Home Decor & Accessories


Rovakada does political fridge magnets and wine stoppers. $9.99 for this baby.


Outside the Box sandblasted these glasses, but they only have 6 made. They have some lovely t-shirts as well. $14.99 per glass or 6 for $74.95.


VanGoBama by Orangyred. $20.


Gemini Studio does these 7″x 16″ prints. Limited edition of 50. $14.


Hope on a Rope from Dugshop. $15. 100% Vegan.


Wow. This is well thought out. I’m gonna have to go ahead and call it brilliant. “Snake Charmers” vs “Wind Bags”? LOL! $250 by Yee Haw.

Obamanites: Last Call For Philly!

Obamanites: Last Call For Philly! published on 5 Comments on Obamanites: Last Call For Philly!


Seven days left! Count ’em! For those of us who have merely blogged about it, put up signs, sent money, prayed and worried, let’s take a page out of a REAL volunteer’s book. The reader known as “Donatella” has been hitting the battleground state of Pennsylvania every weekend for the last couple of months. I asked her to say a few words to motivate our fat, lazy asses. There’s still time left to join her and the others right up until Election Day. Do it for yourself. Do it for Barack. For God’s sake, do it for our country!

What does your day consist of? Phone calls? Knocking on doors? Do you have a choice?

I have done two types of campaigning activities for Obama, registering voters and canvassing registered voters door to door in North Philadelphia.  Since voter registration is over, I have concentrated recently on going door to door and matching residents versus the list of voters, first checking the lists accuracy, then assessing their interest in Obama, enlisting volunteers and assessing the needs of the voters, i.e. those needing rides to the polls.  I have also been providing information about things like absentee ballots, providing info on polls, hours, etc.  The day is organized into “shifts” — there are three 10 -1, 2-5 and 5-8.  I usually do one or two shifts.  This Saturday was a marathon (though this is not asked); I worked for 6 hours outside.  We are paired with another worker and this has been great fun, teaming with others, often Brooklyn neighbors!  This is not the only form of volunteering, however. They need people to work the phone banks as well as to do data entry.  These voluminous canvassing sheets to record the accurate addresses of registered voters, interest levels,needs are refined with each canvassing session and require people to enter into databases and then people to follow up with phone calls.  It is remarkably organized and recognized nationally — the extraordinary ground organization of Obama.

They really need people to work next weekend and if possible Monday and Election day. There will be very organized campaigns to ride people to polls and to call people all day to get them to get out to vote.  They will even get feedback from the polls on those whohave voted (not WHO for but what registered voters turn up).  Using that data, the  workers will call people and exhort them to vote (or give them a ride).  Also, they need people willing to drive people to the polls as well.

Have you encountered angry McCain supporters or even nasty Obama  supporters (no such thing)?

Well, the demographics of North Philly where I have worked consist of two groups: African Americans who live in the neighborhood and students who attend Temple University.  Many of the students are voting by absentee ballots so there aren’t many registered voters we are pursuing among that group, although there are some. Most of the students are Obama supporters, but I have spoken to a number of them who come from Western PA or other more working class areas, which are Obama resistant. It is interesting to talk to them because they worry about taxes (will they be able to continue school if their parents get zapped?) and seem to express the same doubts that many people have expressed about Obama, but most are for him.  Teenagers often operate with the framework they get from their parents.  One young kid told me that his father worried about having his guns taken away from him (big hunter from Western PA) but finally decided on Obama since he thought that he would have better solutions for the economy.

The other group of people are the African American people who have lived in the area for a long time.  North Philly is a depressed place and although nobody I know was bothered in any way, there are a lot of walking wounded there, very poor people, lots of abandoned buildings.  But like our neighborhoods in Brooklyn, core of the place has fantastic people, active churches, close neighborhoods, Philly baseball fans and rapid Obama supporters. One feels rather than trying to convince anyone to vote for Obama, one feels that one is preaching to the choir.  The challenge we try to explain, is to make sure that every human being in their family, on the block, every friend actually gets out the door, rain, shine, tornado, hurricane, No’Easter, anything.  We are aiming for 90-95% turnout.  Being for Obama and not voting is useless.  We tell them that PA is a key state, that Obama is up in the polls, but that can disappear because McCain is hitting other parts of the state HARD.  Just because everyone in the world you know is for Obama, it isn’t the whole universe.  To offset the western part of the state, they need to vote.  We give them information so that they don’t have any confusion or problems when they get there.

Any funny stories?

I had a bullhorn to get people to register and kids came from everywhere wanting to yell “register to vote’ into it. An older one took it and started singing – took a bit to get it back.

A North Philly volunteer from the hood and I tried to get keep this volunteer from Manhattan from getting killed one day.  He was an extremely fem guy and very aggressive “didn’t want to take no for an answer” He was hassling guys who told them they were felons and couldn’t vote and he would argue with them that they were wrong, wanted their addresses,etc.   Because he wasn’t used to inner city neighborhoods (hello?), he wanted to record this exciting experience and took his camera. He ate junk food throughout the day, including a big bag of pink, blue and green popcorn.  He lived through the end of the day.  The junk food could have killed him, though.

You’ve been going to Philly for a couple of months now. Do you see a difference between then and now?

This neighborhood has been for Obama, but what I feel now is a palpable excitement, a thrill, so many people wanting to participate, to volunteer, so many people ready to celebrate something so incredibly exciting in their lives as we get close.  Some are hatching plans for victory parties.  One area where I was yesterday was so tight knit that they were going to make sure everyone voted.  Everybody greeted us with warmth.

Does it seem like voters will actually get to the polls?

The campaign is leaving nothing to chance as you can see by what they plan to do on Election Day.  This is now the most crucial aspect and the campaign is trying to cover every possibility.

Is sign up at

Yes, you can sign up at or if one has any interest in this neighborhood I am describing, they can contact Aleah Phillips at 267-972-6559.  The address of the North Philly office is 2221 North Broad Street (between Dauphin and Susquehanna).

What will you be doing on election night?

On Election night, I will be hanging out at home, hopefully with some friends, drinking wine and staying up all night to watch the returns.  I actually remember November 1960 when it was clear that Kennedy was going to win, I was a kid and everybody was thrilled.  I felt like all was great with the world and went outside to look at the stars.

I think I might actually feel that again.

My Favorite Election Images

My Favorite Election Images published on 5 Comments on My Favorite Election Images


Ah, we laughed, we cried. This has been the longest election ever and I’m glad it’s almost over. As a photographer, a picture means a gazillion words to me. I’d like to pay tribute to the photographers covering this election. Some of these are works of art that should be hung on walls. Some are just fantastic portraits. Click on photos for sources and photographer info.





















Obama Pumpkins

Obama Pumpkins published on 4 Comments on Obama Pumpkins


We’re not into decorating for the holidays, but this is a pretty tempting concept. Yes We Carve lets you download stencils so you can carve your very own Barack O’Lantern. Even if you’ve never carved a pumpkin before (Confession: I haven’t) there are instructions right on the site. And if you really excel at pumpkin carving, be sure to enter the contest by November 2nd. You can win an iPod Nano. Meet other pumpkin people! BYOP are taking place all across America as I write this. Go. Carve. Send me photos.

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