After two weeks of staying with us, my mom is leaving today. Very nice to see her and all that, but two weeks. Nuff said.
I don’t do the Brooklyn Flea during July and August, but my goal was to catch up on inventory and online sales. There was some progress made on the house renovations prior to her visit, but I literally didn’t work at all for 2 weeks. Some people might call this a “vacation” but I call this “slacking”.
Anyhoo, as of today it’s back to the routine! Waking up at 5am to exercise and walk the dogs! Getting to work by 8am (yes, my morning routine which includes coffee and Facebook can take up to 3 hours).
Then….oh what the heck: A To Do List!
1. Garage full o’ furniture. Get that stuff finished and sold!
2. Prepare for 2 flea markets: Ft Greene on Saturdays and Park Slope on Sundays
3. Check out any last minute craft show openings. (Yeah, I waited too long on this one)
4. Start early with the holiday smalls. Gotta get some NYC photo touristy stuff going.
5. Update my photography website. It’s been about 4 years.
6. Market the real estate photography.
One thing about taking time off is that you get to look at the situation without it being piled on top of you. What’s really going to happen? As soon as I get started, I’ll become overwhelmed immediately and won’t accomplish half the list.
But at least I got to make a list!