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Brooklyn Fix It

Brooklyn Fix It published on


Bill’s Handiwork: 1 day, under $2000

A couple of weeks ago, Nicole, over at Brooklyn Based, asked me for some recommendations on where to get stuff fixed in Brooklyn. I couldn’t come up with any tailors, shoe or watch repair because I’m too cheap to buy items worth fixing, but I was able to weigh in on some home improvement contractors.

I just want to give a shout out to my guys who made the list:

Desmond Harmon for floors: 917-642-2752
Robie for ironwork: 917-892-6913
Bill, NY Fine Circular Stairs: 718-218-9051

I also like to recommend Emilia, a fine artist, for faux painting, murals and staining. devitisemiliaATyahooDOTcom

Full list of everything from bike repair to exterminators to custom framing at Brooklyn Based

Wow Bow UK…… They Get It

Wow Bow UK…… They Get It published on 1 Comment on Wow Bow UK…… They Get It



Let’s forget for a moment that WowBow is located in London and the dog bed pictured here is £ 899. Call it simply a unique design, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that they understand pets.

I’m tired of seeing corrugated cardboard and carpeted cat trees. They don’t last! You cannot clean them! Do you know how disgusting my kitty condo is? It’s been scratched up, puked on and peed on over the years. It’s a wasteful object. Something that gets discarded when it becomes too gross.

Lucite. That’s the stuff. You can clean it and change the sisal or bedding. I know that plastic has a tendency to scratch, but I can’t see the cats wanting to claw away at it.

Who came up with corrugated cardboard for cats anyway? What’s with that?

“Under Construction” Behind the Scenes

“Under Construction” Behind the Scenes published on 1 Comment on “Under Construction” Behind the Scenes


Yesterday I linked to OTBKB‘s post about DIY’s upcoming TV series “Under Construction“. I have to admit that I’m guilty of not reading the whole post and I didn’t see the YouTube link.The show follows Brooklyn contractors John DeSilvia and John Palanca of Design Tech Construction as they deal with NYC’s whiny clients, unreliable sub contractors and DOB red tape. (Ok, that was me putting my own spin on it).

Watch the video! It’s too funny! You know they never would’ve used the word “poop” if the cameras weren’t rolling. Also, is that guy Scott Baio’s brother or what?

“Under Construction” airs Tuesdays at 9pm on ET.

New Blog Alert: Therapeutic Landscapes

New Blog Alert: Therapeutic Landscapes published on


Naomi Sachs, founder of “Therapeutic Landscapes Database” has created a user friendly companion blog to that website. TLD Blog launched earlier this month and Naomi’s posts are both uplifting and poetic.

She writes in her post on backyard sanctuaries: “There are so many ways to make your outdoor space–be it hundreds of acres, a city lot, a fire escape, or a window box–into more than just a place for the occasional backyard party or weeding/raking session.”

The site is geared towards “black thumbs”  and ADD folks like myself. Naomi wants to make this stuff more accessible to everyone, not just landscape designers or academics.

Second Home Guilt?

Second Home Guilt? published on 3 Comments on Second Home Guilt?


I saw this survey on Re-Nest and didn’t participate because there wasn’t an option for what my response would’ve been. I’m all about second homes. I’d have third and fourth homes if I could afford it.

Re-Nest on second homes: “They take more stuff to build; more energy to heat and to cool; and you have to get to the second home somehow, too — and that usually means time in a carbon-spewing car.”Continue reading Second Home Guilt?

Eco-Cook A.K.A. : Lazy Cook

Eco-Cook A.K.A. : Lazy Cook published on


Via Treehugger via Design Boom

I’m not sure if this handy kitchen gadget is actually for sale or it’s currently just an “idea”. French designer Kechenyl Camille won an honorable mention in the “Dining in 2015” competition. “My eco-cook is an object that helps to save water, energy and time.”

And that’s why this would be great for me. I loathe cooking. It stresses me out. I throw everything in together (if I must cook, that is) because I’m lazy.

The dohickey is made out of nylon and silicone heat resistant material. Not only can you cook everything in one shot, there’s no need for a colander.

Now if they could only invent something to wash and season those boiled vegetables, I’d be in business.

Can I Get Me Some Of That Free Art?

Can I Get Me Some Of That Free Art? published on 1 Comment on Can I Get Me Some Of That Free Art?


Participating artist Jake Borndal of Brooklyn

Via BushwickBK

Fine Art Adoption Network connects artists with potential collectors. The artists are pretty well established and yet the works exchange hands with no charge to the recipient.

The goal of FAAN is to encourage new audiences to take an interest in contemporary art. They would like art ownership to be experienced by all deserving folks whether or not they have the means to purchase. There is an adoption procedure to go through and any resale must be worked out with the artist.

So no more sitting on a bench at the museum staring at your favorite painting for hours. No more Ikea artwork. Now maybe you can get the real thing! For FREE!

Brooklyn Blogade: Faces Behind Blogs

Brooklyn Blogade: Faces Behind Blogs published on 9 Comments on Brooklyn Blogade: Faces Behind Blogs


We finally made it to another rolling Brooklyn Blogade yesterday. This one was hosted by Clinton Hill Blog at Frank White’s on Atlantic Avenue. Lots of networking, exchanging of ideas and discussion on tech issues. I thought it would be interesting to see if you can guess the face behind each blog. Here’s the list of bloggers. Click on each image to find out who they are. And don’t cheat by looking at the name tags!

Robin/Lesterhead: Clinton Hill Blog
Louise: Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Nicole: Brooklyn Based
Anne: Sustainable Flatbush
Eleanor: Creative Times
Xris: Flatbush Gardener
Ferentz: Nightshift Chronicles
Erin: Lambent, Vast and Ruthless
Morgan: Brooklyn Optimist
Rob: Luna Park Gazette
Adrian: Brit in Brooklyn
Olivia, Patrick & Jason: Supervegan
Maria: City DirtContinue reading Brooklyn Blogade: Faces Behind Blogs

Think Green Live Green Video Contest

Think Green Live Green Video Contest published on

Get those web cams rolling again! Junto Venture is holding a think green challenge for all of you tree huggers out there. The grand prize is a deluxe camping and the lesser prizes are quite useful as well.Here’s what you do: Watch the video. Upload your response to YouTube. Vote.

More details here.

Affordable NYC: Jackson Heights

Affordable NYC: Jackson Heights published on 7 Comments on Affordable NYC: Jackson Heights


Photo: JP Chan

I’m a bit disappointed that Jackson Heights isn’t as affordable as I thought (see listings below). Coops and condos can be had for under $300k, but I’m a firm believer in 2-3 family homes where tenants help with the mortgage. I didn’t come across any here for under $800k.

That’s not to say I don’t have a whole lotta love for Jackson Heights! If you have never been, it’s worth the trip for Little India alone. I trek over from Brooklyn occasionally just for the Jackson Diner. If you’re not into Indian food, the neighborhood certainly isn’t lacking on the ethnic restaurant front.

Jackson Heights is one of those remarkably diverse communities where everyone seems pleased as punch to be there (Or is it just me drinking the Kool Aid?). There’s a very large Latin American population and in fact, the neighborhood is the center for gay Latinos in Queens.

The architecture: Jackson Heights is known for it’s urban planning. The neighborhood consists of many pre-war rowhouses and garden apartments built around courtyards. Much of the area is historically landmarked.

Subway service is not a problem. The 7, E, F, G, and R all run through Jackson Heights.

Jackson Heights Beautification Group
Jackson Heights Life Forum
Jackson Heights Blog
Jackson Heights NYC
Jackson Heights NYC Info

Wood Tile

Wood Tile published on 3 Comments on Wood Tile


I love these! I’m not a huge fan of parquet floors, but this wood mosaic and herringbone look is hot. Yeah, I said “hot”. Just shoot me now.

Since wood + water don’t mix, my first question was “But how do you grout?” Well, you use epoxy thinset and epoxy grout. The tiles are recommended for backsplashes, wainscoting or as accents. I’m assuming you can use them for floors in low traffic areas that don’t see any moisture.

Anchor Bay Tile offers 9 choices of real wood tile from sustainable forests. At $25.50 per square foot, it would be a tough nut to crack for the entire floor anyway. It ships from Arizona.


Beagle Tiles, straight outta Brooklyn, has a line of veneered plywood. They came up with the concept in 1986 when they converted a mound of 1/4″ fir plywood scraps into beautiful, functional tiles. “Proud owner” Marcy informs me that these can be grouted since they are sealed and finished first.

Weekender: New Paltz, NY

Weekender: New Paltz, NY published on 6 Comments on Weekender: New Paltz, NY


Photo of Mohonk Mountain House: C Purrin

New Paltz is pretty perfect. Seriously, you can’t get much better than this. Located within 90 minutes of NYC and accessible by public transit, the town is completely walker friendly.

And this is no podunk town. It’s a full service village. There are plenty of restaurants, including the eclectic Main Street Bistro (complete with a punk era Beastie Boys/Murphy’s Law poster on the wall), The Guilded Otter brewery and the local/organic/slow food Village Tea Room. There’s also a Lemon Grass Grill, Italian, Indian and Middle Eastern restaurants.

When you tire of eating and shopping, there’s always The Gunks. If you’re not fond of rock climbing, there are plenty of hikes. Or it’s cool to just sit on your ass and look at the mountains. For a great adventure, check out The Ranch in nearby Gardiner. Deniro jumped there. And so did I.

New Paltz is a college town, so there’s no lack of hip factor or nightlife. In my day, SUNY New Paltz was known as the “party school”. I don’t know if that still holds true. It’s quite a veggie friendly, yoga momma, liberal town. In 2004, New Paltz was the site of New York’s first same sex marriages.

Oh please, if New Paltz was commutable I would so live there.

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