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Support USA, Not China

Support USA, Not China published on

2014-12-17 15.23.45

When I show my disgust after finding out that someone is buying cheap Chinese crap at Walmart, the response is always  “Well, I can’t afford to buy American made.” Really?

Here are 5 ways to avoid supporting China this holiday season.

1. Etsy. Handmade right here in the old U.S. of A. The price points vary and there’s something for everyone. BTW, Krrb is the new Etsy. You heard it here first.

2. Vintage. Just because it was made years ago doesn’t mean you’re not supporting the vendor who sells it. Yes, I say this because we sell vintage. Is a cute $5 ceramic tschotske not better than a new piece of plastic? You know it’s better made, even if it was made in China.

3. Gift certificate. Too lazy or busy to shop? Buy an entire family a gift voucher to their favorite restaurant or an ice skating rink. Support the local business and give the recipients a chance to get out and spend some quality time together. Done and done.

4. Make it yourself. Not crafty? If you can cook, babysit, walk a dog or clean a house, you’re offering something of real value. How is this supporting local? It’s keeping money in your pocket that will hopefully be spent somewhere better than Walmart.

5. Buy from us! Recycled AND hand made locally. What more can you ask? No, it’s not as inexpensive as foreign mass produced stuff, but then you have the satisfaction of knowing that your gift didn’t come from the hands of slave labor. (You like how I did that there?)

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