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Museum of Recycled Art

Museum of Recycled Art published on


We happened to come across the ND Gallery yesterday and what a find!  The online museum features reclaimed assemblage artists from around the world. Here are just a few items we chose to grab, but there are plenty more talented artists on the site.  If you are an upcycling artist who wants to join, it’s free of charge. Look into it!

Gabriel Dishaw specializes in “high end junk sculptures”.  Love that! “High end junk”.  His pieces are made from old computers, typewriters and adding machines. He has a passion for Star Wars, hence the awesome Darth Vader above.


Andrew Chase creates his menagerie out of recycled automobile and plumbing parts. Each piece takes about 80-120 hours to complete. bird

Jacques Durvie recycles furniture parts and reclaimed materials for his avian collection.

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