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Future Events and Classes!

Future Events and Classes! published on


Image stolen from Make Things Beautiful

The vacations are over and we’ve had our first official business meeting of the summer.  We came up with some solid ideas for events and classes but no dates are set yet.  These will take place on Thursday evenings about 6:30pm-8pm. We’re thinking that the first event will happen July 4th weekend and it will probably be a meet and greet.

Here it is:

1. Schmooze and Booze. We’ll be pulling out the leftover wine from our opening for this one! It’s kind of a “Welcome to the neighborhood/Congrats on your move/new house/kvetch about renovation/etc etc” fest.  There will be a $10 charge to cover refreshments and raffles.

2. Art Under $100 Show. This includes vintage prints and posters as well as contemporary work.

3. Recycled Art Show. Not necessarily under $100 but we’ll celebrate emerging artists who use reclaimed materials.

4. Country Auction. Will include booze so folks bid higher.  Needs no explanation.  Ya know, an auction. With booze.

5. 3 Week DIY Class. Our first DIY 3 session class will cover techniques such as wood graining, stenciling, troweling, textured surfaces and photo transfers.  Participants will walk away with at least one finished creation and the knowledge to do these techniques in their own homes.  We’ll also cover how to make items with found objects and embellishments.

6. Renovation Coaching. This idea is still fuzzy but we’re contemplating a membership program rather than work for hire. The lowest level benefits from an email consultation whereas the highest level would get home visits and so on. Still working that one out.

Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!  Please add yourselves to our mailing list if you want to be “invited”.

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