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SoEP: South of Eastern Parkway

SoEP: South of Eastern Parkway published on 2 Comments on SoEP: South of Eastern Parkway


It’s been two weeks since Reclaimed Home opened on the less hip side of Franklin Avenue in Crown Heights. Ok, so we’re not on ON Franklin. We’re on Carroll, just off of Franklin. We chose this location because the rent wasn’t crazy, first and foremost. There is no such thing as “affordable” Brooklyn anymore, but this area is easier on the wallet than most.

It takes people time to realize that this part of Crown Heights is perfectly convenient to Prospect Heights, Flatbush, Ditmas and Park Slope as well as the more gentrified part of Crown Heights. It’s not such a terrible commute from Bed Stuy either.  Oh, and the transportation is top notch so you can make it to the city in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.

At the moment, the north side of Eastern Parkway is lined with trendy new restaurants, trendy new cafes, trendy new shops, trendy new bars. You get the point. Cross Eastern Parkway and it’s like stepping back in time to ungentrified NYC (the one we miss!)  But that’s changing rapidly.  Let’s just say that we’re not the only new kids on the block. About 70% of the walk in customers just moved to the neighborhood. As for the old timers, they’ve been awesome! They’re very supportive and appreciative of a new type of business that differs from the bodegas, check cashing places and beauty salons on the avenue.  Not that there’s anything wrong with those businesses, although we have purchased items at some of the food places that were less than fresh.  Sorry, but we wouldn’t be upset to see these places lose business to new ventures who actually respect their customer base.


We are currently only the second “new” shop to open up in **SoEP © (South of Eastern Parkway). Owl and Thistle opened up early this year after moving from another location on Franklin **NoEP © (North of Eastern Parkway). They sell locally sourced Brooklyn items that are handmade, fair trade and dare we say “artisan”. Their merchandise ranges from clothing to coffee to cards, all very gifty. They also host sewing and knitting classes in the shop.


An apothecary kitchen called I Love Mountain will be opening up right around the corner from us, next door to an Associated market that is kind of sucky. We’re psyched that we won’t die of food poisoning in that foodie wasteland after all.

Bob and Betty’s is expanding down south on Franklin (SOF) as well. The grocery is brought to you by the same owners of the Pulp and Bean cafe on both sides of Eastern Parkway, just a few blocks from each other.


If you want to learn more about this area, check out Jane’s Walk on May 4th.  It covers both the north and south sides of Crown Heights’ Eastern Parkway.  The 2 hour walk will be led by Urban Affairs lecturer Lisa Schreibman, Brooklynian blogger Michael Fagan and Franklin Avenue shop owner (Stork), Eyana Carballo. The talk will focus on the rapid transformation of the area.  It is free of charge and dogs are welcome!

** We are not responsible for any eejits using this word blend without tongue firmly planted in cheek.


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