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Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! published on


We sometimes forget about Earth Day here since we feel that Mother Earth should be respected 365 days of the year. If you don’t adhere to that philosophy then today is the day to call your mother.  Hasn’t she been guilting you all winter long with her cold shoulder and icy white tears?

There are celebrations and feel-goody events.  Go! Have fun! But please remember what this is all about.  Now, we’re gonna go all preachy on you.

Since this is a home and renovation blog, let’s start there…

1. Save on the manmade energy! Unplug electronics when not in use. Don’t leave heat on with open windows. Same goes with air conditioning.  Conserve! Conserve! Conserve!

2. Keep items out of landfills! Donate furniture, clothing, appliances and housewares that you no longer need. And for the love of Mother Earth, if you’re doing a major renovation, more than half that stuff can be salvaged!

3. Buy green. Shop for recycled and vintage products. Like Reclaimed Home. See how we did that there?

4. Use low VOC paints when possible. *Disclosure:  We don’t always do that because we sometimes buy “oops” paint or need a more durable solution.

5. If you don’t have the recycling of plastics, glass and paper down by now, gotta tell ya…you may be a lost cause. Prove us wrong.

6. Turn water off while brushing teeth or doing dishes until you have to rinse.

7. Only do full loads of laundry or dishwashing unless you have an appliance that allows for half loads.

Outside of the home….

8. Do not leave your vehicle idling longer than 3 minutes. It’s the law.

9. A vegetarian diet is a gazillion times more earth friendly than a meat based diet. Check out the water consumption and rainforest destruction used in meat processing if you wish, but all you have to do is make friends with a cow or a pig to realize that.  Get thee to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary or Catskill Animal Sanctuary!  And don’t forget to carpool when you do!

10. Carry your own water bottle and travel coffee mug.

Make your mother proud!

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