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Less is More

Less is More published on

Consumerism today is ominpresent. Even people who don’t consider themselves consumerists, who don’t go on shopping sprees and who don’t buy new things just because they are fashionable can be stopped dead in their tracks if they forced themselves to count all the things that they own but don’t really need. And that is where consumerism is at its strongest – we got used to it, and it feels perfectly natural to own mounds and mounds of useless stuff.




So why should we own less? Is there any reason why we should have only the basics? Religion, philosophy and ethics have all provided answers to this dilemma from their respective points of view.

One of the major pros of having less is stress relief. Remember how your room/apartment/home got so messy at one point that you could barely walk through it? And remember that huge sense of relief once you cleaned it all up? How do you feel when you see your garage after your yard sale?

Thing is, we can revisit that liberating feeling if we liberate ourselves from all the necessary things. Studies have consistently shown that we tend to notice all the objects in our field of vision, and each of them tends to generate a small amount of stress, whether we’re conscious of it or not.




Prevention is a first step in decluttering your everyday surroundings. Simply put – don’t obtain more things than absolutely necessary. Every time you want to get something new, ask yourself this honest question: “Do I really need this?”

As for the stuff that you already own, that’s easy. There are retail sites, garage sales, gift giving and, if all else fails, good old trash bin. Here your mind will definitely play tricks on you, making you feel sad for the things you throw – but be steadfast, and be rest assured that in a couple of days time you won’t even remember all the things you removed from your life. However, remember that what little you own is most previous to you, and it never hurts to have some additional security on your side. For additional security options to your home, please visit

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