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Roots in Rust

Roots in Rust published on 1 Comment on Roots in Rust

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Air plants are pretty cool creatures on their own, but set them in pieces of antique salvage and they become repurposed works of art.

Hungarian born, Brooklyn dweller Zsuzanna of Roots in Rust has a background in the financial industry. She left all of that behind to fulfill her dream of becoming an Etsy seller. Ok, so that’s sort of a joke, but truth is, she craved creativity in her life.

Zsuzanna is taking the business seriously. Unlike many other Etsy sellers, this is now her full time career. It will be fun to watch the business take root! (Get it? Take. root.)


1 Comment

Air plants are an excellent addition to your home! Not only aesthetically pleasing, but they improve air quality as well. Another way to improve air quality is by putting in place the right kind of ventilation system and maintaining it. With the right kind of ventilation system air quality can be improved greatly inside your home. Consistently changing the air filter in your HVAC system or adding a media filter will greatly improve particle quantities in your home. Replacing stale air which may hold allergens, natural and synthetic or toxic is important if your house becomes too tight.

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