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Why Hipsters Suck

Why Hipsters Suck published on 3 Comments on Why Hipsters Suck

*Update: The video has been removed by the user. Guess he realized what an eejit he looked like when he sobered up. You can still view it via the Gawker link below.

I know, I know. The whole hipster hatred thing is old. But they ask for it, they really do! Case in point. This video of their lame subway party. Now, call me an old curmudgeon but if I’m paying my subway fare I just want to get from Point A to Point B without having to put up with this shit. Are you friggin’ kidding me? Go to a bar! Have a house party! Leave us alone!

If I see any of these kids on my A train, I’m gonna kick their skinny jean asses right back to Ohio. But oooh, I WOULD love to see them hop the A train in Bed Stuy and ride it towards Queens. Come on guys, make my day.

Via Gawker


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