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Romantic Home Improvement Movies

Romantic Home Improvement Movies published on 2 Comments on Romantic Home Improvement Movies


Only in Hollywood is it romantic to restore an old house back to it’s former glory. The reality is it’s exhausting, stressful, expensive and then there’s no time left for sex.

So why are my husband and I so addicted to it?

Anyway, since that crummy Valentine’s holiday is coming up, here’s a list of films that make us all want to work on an old house. I feel like I’m missing a few though. Pacific Heights? The Duplex?

1. It’s a Wonderful Life. My top pick. Even though it’s a Christmas movie, I think about Jimmy Stewart every time I come down my stairs and grab my loose banister finial. I never want to fix it because of this movie.

2. The Money Pit. Hey, it’s a happy ending, right? There’s a scene with Tom Hanks hanging there between floors. Been there, done that. When I fell through the floor and was holding myself up on the banister above, my husband just looked over at me and calmly asked “Need help?”

3. Under the Tuscan Sun. Well, let’s just say I know where I want to go when I retire.

4. Gone with the Wind. So much going on in this movie, but isn’t Tara the main love interest? It’s the only thing that matters. The only thing that lasts.

5. The Notebook. Disclosure: I’ve only seen snippets of this on TV. The only thing I remember is the house.



Oh, yes, how romantic it all seems. It’s a wonderful life and Under the Tuscan Sun being amongst my favorite’s too, and how about Baby Boom. All though I’ve yet to do it, I’ve romanticized this concept myself, probably because of the Hollywood images forever in my head. Thanks for being so frank about how it can impede on daily living.

May you and Luke find satisfaction, of every kind, despite or because of your addiction. 🙂

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