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Wet Stoop in Front, Hole in Back

Wet Stoop in Front, Hole in Back published on 3 Comments on Wet Stoop in Front, Hole in Back


Guess the husband got bored with our half finished living room so he decided to start a new project. He and the next door neighbor are digging up our backyard and adding some drainage. At least that’s what I think he said. Why else would he have that huge hole back there?


Our basement doesn’t exactly flood, but it gets pretty wet. By changing the pitch away from the house and putting in some drains, the problem should be resolved. The water damage was already repaired on the interior of the house, so if we don’t deal with this soon, we’ll have done that work for nothing.


My husband thinks he’s Mr. Safety, but see that sheet of plywood? I put it there. He had the hole dug right near the back door, no covering and no warning given to anyone else in the house.


Remember our $10k stoop? Yeah, still working on it. The guy is doing a nice job, but he’s taking his sweet time. Granted, we had to wait a few weeks for the cement to set. Granted, it was a crazy, rainy summer. But there were plenty of days he could’ve showed up that he didn’t. Typical contractor, focusing on getting the jobs but not pleasing his clients.

The other night when we got home, there was a wooden stick blocking the steps. We use the garden gate, so no biggie for us, but there was no warning for the tenants. Why not do every other step or half the step so they can go in and out?

Well, we’re used to living like this. I just hope the tenants had no intentions of hanging out on the stoop or barbequing in the back for the remaining days of summer.


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