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Utilizing Twitter

Utilizing Twitter published on

I joined Twitter months ago, but never really used it until recently. Since it takes me way too long to come up with blog post topics, I thought I should take advantage of Twitter, so I started following a bunch of blogs.

Here’s what’s up wit dat:


City Room reports there’s no more space to watch the inauguration at City Hall. Well, I didn’t even know that was an option! Now that I know I can’t do it, I really want to. I tried writing to my congressman and senators for tickets, I tried volunteering. Nobody will have me. Hey, is anyone going to D.C.? Anyone doing anything good? Invite me. Please?


Kitsch Designs is collecting and selling vintage graphics. I LOVE that 70’s card! She says it’s 60’s but I want to believe it’s the 70’s. It just brings me back to my childhood. Not that I was a groovy teen chick with yellow hair, but….I don’t know….it just does, ok? Anyway, it’s $5 on Artfire. I think they charge more than that for crappy new Hallmark cards these days.


Peta lists the top eight vegetarian restaurants in the country and Candle 79 tops the list. I wouldn’t know. I never ate there. The one time we tried to go… We were in the neighborhood, it was raining, we were wet, cold and hungry and just wanted a nice warm place to dry up and dine. We didn’t have reservations and they turned us away. The place was empty, so I’m thinking they didn’t want us there because we looked like bums. Screw ’em! Who needs them?


Artfire says it’s not too soon to get ready for Valentine’s Day. Yes, Yes it is! What do you want from us? We just went through HalloweenThanksgivChrismukaNewYear and now you’re talking Valentine’s? Come on, man! Give us a break! And then it’s gonna be St. Patrick’s. Stop the insanity!


Inhabitat twitted about the new Energizer solar battery charger. It will be available this summer for $49.99. FYI, I’ll only use Energizer AA’s on photo shoots. And if you don’t have rechargeable, the lithium are superb! No, I don’t know how bad that is for the environment, but it beats my flash losing power in the middle of a wedding ceremony.

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