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Home Safety Tips for Your Pets

Home Safety Tips for Your Pets published on 4 Comments on Home Safety Tips for Your Pets

 **Archive. Originally posted October 23, 2007.


The day the girls made pancakes for breakfast

With all the Iggy hoopla, I was inspired to do another pet post. This is all very obvious stuff, but sinceI do know people whom have lost pets due to….stupidity, I feel the need to spell it out.

I should practice what I preach. My dog got into a pill container just this morning (husband’s fault). Luckily, it was acidophilus, so she’ll be feeling like one healthy mutt today. We put child safety locks on our cabinets, but I think the way that works is that you actually have to remember to lock them.

Let’s do this in list form (because I like making lists)

1. Make sure all doors, window and garden gates are closed! This is often how people unintentionally lose their pets. They can and will bolt and they don’t always come back. Check screens for holes.

2. Pills. Lock them up or put them where your dog can’t reach them. I swear that my cats have some kind of deal with my dogs. They’ll climb up and knock something down and then the dogs get it.

3. Poison. Trying to kill cute little mice or cockroaches? Well, be careful your pet doesn’t get at these things. Keep in mind that they may eat the poisoned critter if not the poison itself. If you put bait in traps, make sure they can never get to it, because they are relentless when they smell food.

4. Electrical wires. Puppies will chew anything. Wires included. Spray some bitter apple on them. Or….from a green standpoint, unplug them. My husband goes around unplugging everything because many items burn electricity even if off (think remotes).

5. Plastic bags. Cats love playing in them. I don’t have to tell you the danger of plastic bags. Your mommy should’ve taught you that when you were a kid.

6. Balls of yarn. I worked at the Humane Society many years ago. I’ll never forget this cat that almost died because a string got wrapped around her intestines.

7. Other yummy treats. Batteries, mothballs, cigarettes.

8. Food. Chocolate, onions and grapes are among the foods which can be toxic to dogs. Also, never leave chicken bones around for your dog. Ok, if you’re not cleaning up chicken bones, you have bigger problems than keeping your pet safe. You’re a friggen pig!


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