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Rainy Days And Sundays

Rainy Days And Sundays published on


Argh!! Last week, I started looking at the weekend weather forecast at the beginning of the week. It looked iffy right up until Saturday evening when I made the decision to skip the flea this past Sunday. I didn’t want to load, schlepp and stand around in the damp cold all day once again, so I canceled. Of course it was a beautiful day. Of course! I knew that would happen! And if I chose to participate, the weather would’ve sucked.

Guess I’ll do a show and tell of my own. Here’s the stuff I picked up/I’m working on in preparation for my own sunny day at market. Should that day ever come.


I thought my photo collage coffee table would be an easy project. Ha! Because I’m using vintage photos (my own) rather than printing new ones, I’m having trouble keeping the heavy weight fiber based paper from curling when I apply glue. This is still a work in progress. I need to fill in with more photos and I’d also like to warm it up a bit. I’ll add some tint to the poly. That should make me happy. Theme is “Brooklyn”.


I picked up this very ordinary looking bed on Friday. But check out the “box spring” below. It’s like chainmaille and there are some tension bolts to tighten it. Looks like a torture device. The husband wanted me to dump the chainmaille thing but I think that’s what makes the bed! What the hell is it?


Oh, and I was very moooved by these cow chairs. I had to buy them!


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