If you’ve had a glance at our “About” page, you’ll know that our initiation into home ownership began because of our pets. We had 11 cats (not a typo) and a dog at the time. There wasn’t a landlord in this town crazy enough to accept us. We lied about the number of cats, saying we only had 3, but even that was balked at.
There doesn’t seem to be one perfect resource that lists pet friendly rentals. Craigs List usually states whether or not the apartment is pet friendly, but where do all of those animal lovin’ landlords post their rentals?
Here are some helpful resources…
Humane Society
New York Tails
Urban Hound : Search and post on the forum
When I was looking, I posted flyers at vet’s offices and pet supply shops. Didn’t get a rental out of it, but at least it made me feel pro active.
I just want to thank you for having such a cool site. It’s really informative. Keep up the good work!
At one time it would have been important, but all of my apartment dwelling life was spent in pet friendly buildings,
so my only suggestion (aside from lying) is for leg work, focusing on older buildings, and neighborhoods where many
dogs are being walked in the street. Stop dog walkers and ask them where they live and if their buildings are dog/
pet friendly. GOOD LUCK.