The Leonard Lopate Show wants to know what 10 object you would choose to tell the story of New York. All objects must be able to fit inside a museum. Include a brief description of why you think the object helps define New York City.
The deadline for submissions is today at 5 pm. Then, you’ll be able to vote on your favorite objects.
Here’s my list. What’s yours?
1. Subway token. Watch me date myself now. I remember when a subway token went from 35 cents to 50. I remember the big ones with the Y cut-out.
2. Bagel. Few places make real bagels anymore.
3. Slice of pizza. The ultimate NYC fast food. Hmm, maybe I should add a hot dog cart, but I don’t eat hot dogs.
4. Handball. Everybody always talks about stickball. Well, I never played stickball. For my generation it was always Chinese handball. Chinese can be played against any wall, no court needed.
5. Broadway playbill. Preferably “The Odd Couple”, a New York favorite.
6. Egg Cream. Nice and foamy.
7. Knish. Yeah, it’s all about the food. S’ppose we can do a knish/hot dog cart if you insist.
8. Diner menu. Diners. Another dying breed.
9. Spray paint can. To be displayed with a remnant of an old subway car, please.
10. Shortline bus ticket. Every summer weekend during my childhood, we would catch the Shortline bus up to The Catskills. Borscht Belt bungalow colonies and resorts were as New York as the city itself. But as a child, I was always mesmerized by the walk through Times Square and the Port Authority bus terminal. Trannies, hookers, Black Panthers and Jews for Jesus all one big happy NYC family. It was like something out of Taxi Driver.