The Maker Faire at NY Hall of Science was the big weekend to-do for tech geeks and crafters alike. Was it excellent? Well, it was really good, but this cheap beeatch can’t get around the fact that I had to pay a $25 entry fee. I happen to know this turned some people away. I mean, 25 bucks? So I can go in only to spend more money?

Apart from the vendors, there were free rides and demonstrations brought to us mostly(?) by The Madagascar Institute. Although they were extremely cool, these folks could have used some organizational skills. It was unclear who could actually partake. There were people hanging around and watching, but we weren’t sure if everyone actually got on the rides. My husband wanted to have a go at the Jet Ponies (video link)which took a good 20 minutes between rides, but it seems like it was an elite ride for friends and family only. That theory proved correct when it turns out that the guy I photographed was none other than publishing mogul Tim O’Reilly.
The tech geek buddy who was with us LOVED the faire! He was running around like a little boy. I’ll admit that most of the tech stuff was either was over my head or didn’t make sense for the real world. When I asked Tech Geek Buddy what the LED’s do, he told me that some make noise, some light up and I was like “Yeah, but WHY? Then what?” His wife (a.k.a. my bitching companion for the day) remarked that it seemed like vanity projects with no real use.
Well, the crafts were great! At least it’s something I can understand!

I bought myself a lovely recycled purse/bike messenger bag. $135 from Vaya Bags (not the one in the photo, but close). Hopefully it will last me longer than those $2 bags I’ve been buying. The strap is a seat belt, so if I break this, there is no hope for me.

The yarn crafts were amazing! Check out the Coney Island and NY scenes from Lion Brand Yarn.

I also loved the Princess Leia hat I saw. When I asked if it was for sale I was told that the pattern is online because “We’re all crafters here.” #1: No, we’re not ALL crafters. #2: I don’t knit. The pattern is sold on Etsy, but I found someone who makes similar hats on eBay.

Finally, we all learned to solder for $1. Now I’m the Solder Queen.