Just because the whole country is in the crapper doesn’t mean it’s ok to ignore the less fortunate. You still need to treat yourself right and you can help others while you’re at it. Here are four fun things you can do to clear your conscience.
Get drunk for the animals! Tonight at Angels and Kings in the East Village.
Super Vegan sponsors the monthly Vegan Drinks. It’s a chance to promote and discuss your animal rights agenda. Not a vegan? Then you really need to get your ass over there! You’re sooo 2008. What are you waiting for?
Get creative for the elderly! Spread that Valentine love around.
Etsy is teaming up with Citymeals on Wheels to bring handmade cards to seniors around the city. No, they don’t really have to be handmade or even vintage. You can buy cards. What’s in it for you? Well, if bringing smiles to lonely old people isn’t good enough, you’ll get some free Etsy publicity out of it. Deadline: February 2. Hurry, no time to waste! PS: How cute is the woman with the “So many men…” shirt?
Shop for culture! February 5th.
A bunch of independent fashion designers have formed a group called “Fundraising in Style” and their very first event is to benefit FABNYC. Portions of every purchase will be donated to Fourth Arts Block in the East Village. More info on their site or Facebook. Shout out to one of the designers, Miss Wit, a Brooklyn Flea neighbor.
Laugh for the Children! February 9th at the Gotham Comedy Club in Chelsea.
The “Comics Care” event will benefit several organizations that help underprivileged children, such as The Fresh Air Fund and NY Yankees Foundation. Your host for the evening will be Michael DeStefano, big macher accountant at Ernst and Young and comedian extraordinaire. I went to junior high with him and haven’t seen him since. Ah, what did we ever do before Facebook? Anyway, he was kind of a jerk back then so I might have to heckle. We’ll see.