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Moment of Silence

Moment of Silence published on 2 Comments on Moment of Silence


Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can’t you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Enjoy the silence

10 Years. Never Forget or Move On?

10 Years. Never Forget or Move On? published on

I complain about all the 9/11 coverage on this anniversary, but I’m just as bad. Can’t help it. The scab has been torn off. It’s easy for me to say “Time to move on” because I didn’t lose anyone close to me.

I did lose a part of me that day, as every New Yorker did. Don’t get me wrong. I know that it wasn’t only New Yorkers who suffered that Tuesday. It was America. And Muslims. And the world.

The east river kept me at a distance as I watched the towers burn. Lucky for me I didn’t witness people jumping, but it was close enough to violate all five senses. The site of the towers coming down. The burning smell that lingered for weeks. The sirens and crying and screaming around me. The dust in the air. We all felt it and tasted it.

“Never forget!” But where is that getting us? Can we start remembering the victims and the towers with a smile again? Why do the towers have to be about THAT moment? What about the time you went to the top? Or when you ate at Windows on the World? Or picnicked in near the sphere?

How about every time I got off the subway in the city and looked for those towers to figure out which direction I was heading in? Or when I looked across the water from The Brooklyn Promenade and realized how lucky I was that I had grown up with the most magnificent skyline in the world?

The Twin Towers were more than just 9/11. And those victims lived lifetimes before they were cut short. Why do we have to remember them as “gone”? Let’s just remember them.


Closure. published on

Ground Zero reaction to Bin Laden's Death, New York

Close to 10 years. Nearly 10,000 American Military and civilians dead as a direct cause of Osama Bin Laden’s jihad. Two wars. Countless Afghan and Iraqi civilians and coalition troops under a President who fought a war that had nothing to do with 9/11.

This finally feels like the open wound is healing.

Until the next attack.

Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr.
Edelmiro Abad
Maria Rose Abad
Andrew Anthony Abate
Vincent Abate
Laurence Christopher Abel
William F. Abrahamson
Richard Anthony Aceto
Jesus Acevedo Rescand
Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann
Paul Acquaviva
Donald LaRoy Adams
Patrick Adams
Shannon Lewis Adams
Stephen George AdamsContinue reading Closure.

9/11 Budweiser Ad. Grab a Tissue.

9/11 Budweiser Ad. Grab a Tissue. published on 2 Comments on 9/11 Budweiser Ad. Grab a Tissue.

This Budweiser commercial aired only one time on the first anniversary of September 11th. Bud did this so they wouldn’t benefit financially from the event. It’s really touching.

Now if only their beer didn’t taste like piss water.

9/11. The Musical.

9/11. The Musical. published on


Yup, it’s true. It took nine years for someone to say “Hey, you know what? The September 11th tragedy would make a great musical!”

The film,”Clear Blue Tuesday” opens this Friday at the Quad. I tried to remain open minded while reading the City Room article. The blog comments were mostly negative and even a bit childish. “I was there and you weren’t” kind of thing. Some folks mentioned that art is supposed to deal with uncomfortable subjects…and I get that.

But a musical? I’m sorry, but that’s just bad taste. I refused to see Rent because I didn’t want to hear anyone singing about AIDS. (Ok, that’s not true. I was an East Village chick in the 80’s so my take on it was “Been there, done that. Don’t have to see a performance of it.”)

Anyway, back to my bashing this film without even seeing a clip. Oh wait, I HAVE seen a clip! And it su-ucks! So, not only is it in bad taste. It’s just bad.

Terror Trials. The Case for Newburgh

Terror Trials. The Case for Newburgh published on 3 Comments on Terror Trials. The Case for Newburgh


So now that Bloomberg has decided he doesn’t want the 9/11 trials in NYC, Mayor Nicholas Valentine of Newburgh, NY is offering his hospitality.

As an NYC transplant in the Newburgh area, I’m putting in my two cents.

Personally, I thought it would’ve been a fine idea to hold the trials in NYC. It would have been cathartic for us to see these guys brought to justice right near the scene of the crime. Punishment if found guilty? Parade them through the streets of Bensonhurst or Maspeth. End of story.

NYC would’ve probably been a tad too busy to hold these huge trials. But Newburgh? There’s NOTHING going on there! Seriously, as long as it doesn’t cost the City of Newburgh anything, they should totally do it!

The Mayor knows that this would put Newburgh on the map. There’s a 20% unemployment rate, a ton of boarded up buildings and a handful of wonderful businesses struggling to survive. There are plenty of hotels in the area, an international airport, major roadways and oh, did I mention a military base? A friggin military base! Plus, West Point is just down the road a bit.

If commuters are inconvenienced by traffic on the bridge, they can hop a ferry across the river to Metro North. Problem solved.

So, who is against it? Orange County Executive Ed Diana says “Not in my backyard!” He wants it outside of the U.S. and says he will do everything in his power to stop it from happening in Orange County. “Forty-four Orange County residents lost their lives on that most horrific day, and to bring these monsters to Orange County is an insult to our residents,” Diana told the local Record newspaper.

Unemployment. High taxes. Struggling businesses. High crime rate. In a beautiful location on the river within an hour of NYC. With gorgeous architecture. Nah, better keep the status quo. Let’s keep Newburgh off the map.

Oh BTW, Mr. Diana, that was sarcasm.

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