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Stenciled Damask Patina Wall

Stenciled Damask Patina Wall published on


We were recently commissioned to do a stenciled damask patina wall in Tribeca for designer Liz Tiesi of Threshold Interiors. The application process took four days to complete and the results are fabulous!

Liz fell in love with a sample of our patinaed stencil that was meant for use in any area, but we had only ever worked on horizontal surfaces and didn’t consider the water-like consistency patina spray dripping down a wall. The actual application took less than a week including rolling the base coat, but the testing and preparation that went into it was a learning experience.


In the end, Emilia was able to create a faux patina look with paint. More controllable as far as coloring and a lot less touch up! A real patina solid wall without the stencil would look über cool with the drips, but faking it was the best solution for this project.

We can’t wait to take on more projects like this!


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