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Losing My Brimfield Virginity

Losing My Brimfield Virginity published on


Brimfield.  It’s the antique show to end all antique shows here on the east coast. THE market for dealers and shoppers alike. Five days and about twenty fields.  And yet, I had never been.  Until yesterday.

Instead of braving the trip on my own, I gladly accepted an invitation for a bus ride with the Manhattan Women’s Club. This spared me dealing with the logistics, the 3+ hour drive each way plus the daunting job of navigating parking.

So, was it a success?  Well, I didn’t come home with a monumental haul, but yes, it was a great success!  I connected with at least four vendors who I plan on visiting regularly for their stockpiles. Folks from Albany to Pennsylvania who I never would have heard of if not for this show.  Of course with only a few hours to explore, I didn’t get to cover even a quarter of Brimfield, but my take on the show as a whole was that it was a bit pricey.  Some of the vendors were asking a good deal of money for items I can find locally for less than half the price. But hey, if people are buying it, who am I to say anything?  Plus, there were some really great pieces.

If you’re looking to restore an entire home, there is architectural salvage.  Looking to furnish?  No problemo. Art?  Check. Wondering how you’ll find those vendors carrying what you need?  Yup, there’s an app for that.

The bus trip was an easy introduction and a perfect experience for those who might get overwhelmed by things like this.  If you’re looking to do a massive amount of shopping, renting a U-Haul and a hotel room and spending a few days in Brimfield would be the way to go.  There were a few things I saw that I knew I couldn’t schlep on that bus.

My friend Judy came along and the only thing she bought was a $ 5.00 tin, but the day was just so darned pleasant that she didn’t mind.  What could be better?  A bus full of fabulous women.  A day in the country. While shopping.  For antiques.

Did I mention they had wine of the bus?

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