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Cleaning Marble with Polyurethane?

Cleaning Marble with Polyurethane? published on 1 Comment on Cleaning Marble with Polyurethane?


*Disclaimer: Don’t try this at home. It was not a scientific experiment, but rather a happy accident.

We were using a beautiful marble top dresser as our desk for a wee bit. Probably not the wisest idea as it’s one of the better pieces in the shop, but marble is easy to clean. Oh yeah, the “desk” is also the dining table and sometimes work bench.

The freakout occurred the morning we discovered a spill on the marble top. Twas either glue or poly. It was clear and peeled off rather easily, like peeling Elmer’s from your skin. So, here’s the thing. When it came off, so did the dirt and stains underneath. The marble was sparkling white!

We did a test with some more water based poly and lo and behold, great results!

It would be irresponsible of us to tell you to spill water based poly all over your marble, but just sayin’, that stuff makes a great cleaner! Oh, if you’re gonna do it, make sure you don’t scratch the shit out of your marble when scraping off.


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