Huzzah! The merchandise is dribbling in to the Reclaimed Home storefront at….wait for it….945-947 Carroll Street in Crown Heights. No, no, don’t coming a-knockin’. We’re not there all the time and our funky curtains are drawn so the public can’t see our chaos. That being said, we’ll start to upload our pieces to the online store (link later today!) and do business by appointment until the soft opening which will take place before the grand opening.
It’s like this. In lieu of a Kickstarter campaign, we’re trying to make a buck prior to opening so we can debut with the mahvelous pieces that will be representative of the store. While we’re working on our own creations and setting everything up, some as-is pieces will be for sale as we come across them. Right now, it’s mostly furniture but we promise that we’ll have architectural salvage and plenty of repurposed pieces once we open!
The soft opening should be in a couple of weeks. That means we’ll start with a few days per week. When it’s time for the grand opening, we’ll probably do 7 days per week (ugh) to see how it goes.
So, be sure to keep checking the store! These particular items haven’t been measured or priced yet but will be up by this evening. Oh, also…if you’re looking for something specific, please let us know as we’re putting together a “Wish List” database for customers.