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Irish Castles

Irish Castles published on 4 Comments on Irish Castles


So, tomorrow I’m off to Ireland to visit the in-laws. This time, instead of staying at the mother in law’s house in Dublin, I grabbed a package deal that includes castle accommodations.

Groupon alerted me to a great package trip via email but the crappy thing about Groupon is that they get you all excited only to find out the deal is sold out when you go to book it. Well, Aer Lingus was offering a similar Irish Castle package, so screw you, Groupon.

Since November in Ireland is pretty dreary and we’ll be schlepping around the countryside with an 87 year old with two bad hips, I’m thinking that I may actually be able to keep up with the blog. Check in this week for irregular postings on castle designs, renovations and garden ideas (no post tomorrow).

That is….if there’s wifi and I’m not out actually enjoying my vacation.

See back home next Wednesday!


Glenlo Abbey




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