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Rockaways in the Sun

Rockaways in the Sun published on 4 Comments on Rockaways in the Sun


The first time I went to check out The Rockaways and look at houses was during the winter. It was a gray, rainy weekday. Miserable. I was totally uninspired and that’s when I started looking upstate.

Well, over the weekend I saw a Rockaway listing that could work for what I want to do and I visited again. This time it was a sunny weekend and people were out. With dogs! And bikes! And frisbees! I walked along the beach and thought….yeah, I could deal with this.

It would mean I can commute from home while I’m working on the house. If I do upstate, I’m up there on my own for the better part of the week.

It would mean I’m not strictly in a second home area (Yeah, I know, people live upstate full time). Buyers who move there can take the A train to work. Granted, it would take them just as long as driving from upstate, but it’s a $2.50 subway ride.

It would mean less taxes.

It would mean I’m not paying thousands for gas to drive up and back while working on the house.

Drawbacks? Well, The Rockaways are still very rundown. The part I can afford, anyway. FYI, I’ll tell you that this is between Beach 86 and 100 Street. It’s totally risky.

Do I like taking risks? Yeah. Kind of.

If you know of any reason I shouldn’t do this, speak up now!!


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