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The Black Cowboys of Queens

The Black Cowboys of Queens published on 2 Comments on The Black Cowboys of Queens


Over the weekend we ventured out to Howard Beach, Queens to hang with a buddy who’s a member of the Federation of Black Cowboys. Those are the guys you see riding their horses on South Conduit out near JFK.

Black cowboys have been part of American culture since the 1860’s, but the current incarnation of the Federation was born in 1994. The website is not currently being kept up. They do often welcome visitors, but check first to make sure it’s cool. When we showed up, most of the cowboys and cowgirls were at a Juneteenth rodeo in NJ, so it was a quite day back at the ranch.


This is our buddy Ralph. By day, he’s a heavy construction laborer, but much to his wife’s dismay, he spends evenings and weekends tending to his garden on the Federation’s 25 acre property.


“Mountain Man” was proud to show us the museum he’s been working on. Housed in one of the trailers, it has some very cool old western gear, but I winced at the animal skins, body parts and traps. He uses all parts of the animal, so kudos to him for that.



This “kid” is only 17 years old. He has his own horse and attends an agriculture high school right there in Queens.


The garden, barbeque pit and picnic area are just off the main road. Making the most out of the urban/rural experience!




Black Cowboys Flickr set


As a history buff…I am aware of the contribution to the cowboy culture made by the people of color. Buffalo soldiers etc…However this modern day tribute really makes me smile. Not because of the historical significance or because of the “black thing” but because right there in the middle of urban USA….people have made a place for horses!

This quote has been attributed to both Winston Churchill and Will Rogers…”There is something about the outside of a horse that is good of the inside of a man!” (or woman)…AMEN! Good job folks!

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