We’re undertaking another big restoration project here. Only this time it’s not a house. It’s this site.
Back when Reclaimed Home launched in 2007, the idea was to cover local housing options and renovation ideas with a touch of eco-green salvaged bits and bobbles. Twas one person doing 5 posts per day, 5 days per week. Well, couldn’t keep up that pace.
RH is sort of going back to it’s roots. The intention is to make the site more user friendly and interactive. We’ll sort out categories and resources better, add some DIY videos and sprinkle it with a bit of real estate chat.
This won’t be done overnight and if it’s anything like my renovations, it can take years (but it won’t). In the meantime, you may see some recycling of old posts as I go through the archives. You may also see some funky stuff happening with the design or even a day or two without a post. DO NOT PANIC! Everything and everyone has to go through changes.
Please follow on Twitter and Facebook and do share any suggestions in the comments here. Thankyouverymuch.